The enemy its closer than expected

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At night time, Blake Belladonna was sitting on her bed, after a long time hiding from her friends after the board game and after her date with the white haired boy, she didn't stop her thoughts about those White Fang members fighting at Torchwick side, that was disturbing her and she couldn't stop thinking about that...
Professor Ozpin got inside the room...
Ozpin: I sorry to interrupt your daily activities but we need to talk, and i'm sorry if i'm doing this at late hours but i was treating something important with your teachers... I'm sure that after a night of thwarting attempted robbery probably you just want to go home and take a nap but i was hoping we could have a chance to talk...
Blake: Of course...
Ozpin: Wonderful! As you know in order to enroll at my Academy, students must first pass a rigorous entrance exam. Most applicants spend years of preparation training at one of the many combat schools around the world... you are one of the few who didn't... and you passed the exam with flying colors.
Blake: I was raised outside the kingdoms, if you can't fight you can't survive.
Ozpin: Well you have most certainly survivied, Blake. I admire your drive, and i'm proud to run an school that accepts individuals from all walks of life. Rich, poor, humans... *Drinks coffee* Faunus.
Blake makes a frown...
Ozpin: Why do you wear that bow, Blake? Why hide who you are?
Blake: You may be willing to accept the Faunus, Professor Ozpin, but your species is not.
Ozpin: True but we are continuing to take strides to lessen the divide...
Blake: With all due respect, you need to start taking some larger strides... Until then, i'd rather avoid any unnecesary attention. I want people to see me for who i am, not why i am...
Ozpin: And what are you?
Blake: I... Don't understand what are you're asking...
Ozpin: How did you know that the White Fang would be at the shipyard tonight?
Blake: I didn't, i just happened to be at the right place at the right time...
Ozpin: You wouldn't have been first, but what happened tonight was not an insolated incident, i may be your headmaster but i am also a Huntsman, so its my sworn duty to protect this world from the forces that conspire against it. Blake, are you sure there's nothing else you would like to tell me?
Blake: I'm sure...
Ozpin: Very well *gets up* thank you for your time Miss Belladonna, *turns before open the door* if you ever need to talk to me, Please don't hesitate to ask.... *Leaves the room*
*Flashback ends*
After a bit of time, her team got inside the room
Yang: Uhg! We should have never let him play!
Ruby: You're just mad 'cuz the new guy beat you~ See, if you had just attacked when i told you nothing of this would happened...
Blake tried to go but Weiss stopped her...
Weiss: Stop! Lately you've been quite antisocial and moody...
Yang: Uh... Have you met Blake
Weiss: What i get is kind of your thing but you've been doing it more than usual which quiet frankly is unacceptable, you Made a promise to me, to all of us that you would let us know if something was wrong... So Blake Belladonna what is wrong!? *Points at her while she's on a chair*
Blake: I just i don't understand how everyone can be so calm
Ruby: You still thinking about Torchwick?
Blake: Torchwick , the White Fang, all of It! something big its happening and no one is doing anything about it! Ozpin told us to not worry
Yang: Between the police and Huntsmen i'm sure they could handle it-
Blake: But i'm not! They don't know the White Fang like i do!
Weiss: Okay, between blowing up nightclubs, stopping thieves and fighting for freedom, i'm sure the three of you are all ready to go out and apprehend these Nair duels...
Ruby: Ah... Who?
Weiss: But let me be the voice of reason we're students we're not ready to handle this Sort of situation...
Ruby: Yeah but...
Weiss: We're not ready!!!
Blake: And we may never be ready!!! Our enemies aren't just sit around and wait for gratuation day! They're out of there somewhere planning their next move and none of us know what but its coming whether we're ready or not!
Ruby: Okay all in favor becoming the youngest huntresses to single-handedly bring down a corrupted organization conspiring against the Kingdom of Vale say I!!
Yang: Yes! I love it when you're feisty
Weiss: Well, i suppouse it would be fun
Ruby: Why didn't you said i
Blake: All right then, we're on this together!
Ruby: Let's have a plan!
Yang: Yeah!
Ruby: I left my board game on the library!
Weiss: We're doomed...
Ruby started to run but bumped with someone...
Ruby: Okay... Sorry... All right... Are you okay?
Emerald: i'm fine, just watch where you're going *helps Ruby to stand up*
Ruby: Oh right, sorry! Um... I'm Ruby, are you new?
Emerald: Visiting from Heaven actually...
Behind Emerald, Cinder walked and Ruby looked at her...
Ruby: Oh... You're here for the festival... Oh! But exchange students have their own dormitory
Mercury: I guess we where just got turned around...
Ruby: *Laughs* Don't worry, happens all the time... You're building Is just east of here...
Cinder: Thanks, maybe we'll see you around...
Ruby: Yeah! Maybe... And Welcome to Beacon!
Cinder was hiding her evil smirk, unknow to her, someone sense her presense around...
Saber: Are you listening to me!!?
(Y/n): I do just *whispers* one of our enemies its around!
Saber: What do you mean!?
(Y/n): I saw her through our door, she's like a spy dressed in Heaven Academy's school uniform...
Saber: We should hunt her?
(Y/n): No, lets wait a bit, they over number us, if Rider arrives faster we might have a chance to kill Cinder!
Saber: Then, lets wait but going back to our topic... Have you decided yet?
(Y/n): Listen, i can't make my choice yet, first we have our deal i promised you to help on this Holy Grail War that means i'm not going anywere before doing my part, but i can't stay if Rin its in danger if she dies i will disappear, of course that i could be summoned other time, but she doesn't, if she dies there's when her line ends... I know her since i was human, since i was... (Y/n) Emiya...
Saber: You know, i fell that i know that name... Its weird... But i feel like i met you in other life...
(Y/n): Not exactly, we'll meet again many years later... But i can't tell you everything to prevent any time travel troubles...
Saber: All right, if time will allow me to see you again i'm willing to wait for that moment...
Iskandar: Hey! What are you doing on the door?
The door was slightly open, from outside Iskandar was looking them...
(Y/n): We have a mission!
Iskandar: Perfect! But eh... Well, can you let Waver to get inside? He's going to rest, Professor Ozpin saw us and explained us everything but Waver was so scared that almost faint...
(Y/n): Right....
After a bit of time, the three servants followed Cinder and her fellows... Cinder already knew they were behind...
Cinder: So... Red bowman, long time not seeing you, what brings you here?~
(Y/n): I was about to ask the same thing, Cinderbitch
Cinder: Oh~ you're trying to hurt me? Little boy that won't work.
(Y/n): That doesn't care, after all, i came to cut down your head...
Cinder: Try me bowman!
Cinder summoned her bow while (y/n) did the same, firing at the same time they divided their bows into  blades and a clash of steel begun, the white-haired boy carried out lunges with precision, however his opponent blocked the attacks and tried to make shots to attack,

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