12th Chapter: Handmaiden

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Amelia was never good at lucid dreaming. She didn't even believe it was possible, until her mind felt completely trapped, in a vast empty universe. She had no connection to any semblance of reality, that was understandable. For day's her mind floated, unable to touch, or feel anything. Tiny glimpses of memories kept her mind clinging to sanity as time, passed without measure.

Figures she was unable to touch, appeared like misty vision's in the darkness. The play of past tragedy gave way to, future hopes and fears. Memory collided with fantasy, like fireworks in the nights sky. Illusion fueled each realities division into multiple fragment's and possibilities. Unable to keep up, the humans mind tried to withdraw, from each compounding and fragmented fantasy.

"Please, let it end. Please, let it end." Each visual thought fragmented like glass, in the darkness. The images continued to fall like rain, all around her mind. Then in a single burst of fury and rage, "Let it end!" Her scream created an unseen shockwave, that shattered the falling fragment's into blinding dust. "Let it end." Her mind whimpered, when the dust irritated her very being. "Please... let it end..."

'You fight has not ended, Amelia Torres.' The words echoed deep within the human's soul. A tiny light in the distance,shown through.  Illuminated dust, acted like fog, making it impossible to find the light's source or direction.

"Yes, it has." The female argued. Giving up, was the only recourse she felt capable of completing effectively. 

"Promises, have yet to be... F-u-l-f-i-l-l-e-d." The words purred tone-fully, in the darkness, causing the trapped human to drown in familiarity.

"Elder?" The female's lonely mind reached out in all directions. "Is it you, that comes to guide me, through the darkest of nights?" 

"Y-y-y-y-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s. But, y-o-u, must, c-h-o-o-s-e, to stay." The multi-toned purr soothed every ounce of Amelia's soul. 

"How is this possible?" The dust cloud started to clear, driven away by some unknown cause. The intensity of the strange light intensified, when it's carona started to danced. Odd movement could be seen in the distance, slowly approaching her drifting soul. The light continued to flicker, as the surrounding darkness was pushed into shadow. Within seconds the captive female was relieved and able to identified the mysterious encroaching figure. The old Wraith's form didn't wait for permission, before engulfing the female's entire essence in his protective enthrall.

"H-o-w, does not matter." The creature's voice purred, while his grip tightening around the humans mind. "Would you change, w-h-a-t, inevitably, i-s? If, f-a-t-e, was your's to change? Will you, s-e-n-d, m-e, away? Could you deny me, my soul? Can you remain by my side, willingly? Should you accept the truth, of what I am?" The beast's uncensored questions echoed in her mind.

"Do I...?" Amelia turned to the illusion; her mind full of it's own questions. "Do I have a choice? I'd go home, if I could. Do I even know the truth, really?" The female's whimper was full of unanswered rage.

"You may not realize it, y-e-t. But you know my truth, A-m-e-l-i-a. Just as I-I-I, have  known yours." Each syllable of the creature's soothing voice, pulsed deep within the female soul. 

"I don't even know what that means! Please, let me go." The female pleaded painfully. She didn't want to fight or be a slave to anyone. If she passed quietly in her sleep, there was no harm done to anyone,  'What fault is there, in accepting the end to my tragic story?' 

"Is that, t-r-u-l-y, what you wish?" The tone-full voice asked regretfully in return.

"Yes." Amelia whimpered.

Lost and Alone: The Torres ChroniclesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang