16th Chapter: Dazed

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The Wraith clung tenderly to his Handmaiden, for the course of the mundane event. They remained undisturbed by outsider's, while four different Hive commanders were presented to the Outposts commanding Wraith. The trivial ceremony came and went, while the two lingered in the darkest corner of the room. The drink Amelia acquired did little to sooth her thirst, but the female opted not to retrieve another.

'Whatever Malgary juice was, it felt nothing like alcohol.' Her mind winced once or twice, when her belly swelled with a warm almost erotic sensation. The overly calm female looked up at the Elders watchful eye and pushed her lips against his, with an explosion of passion. The Wraiths immediate concession to the act, satisfied a hidden need, swelling deep in her soul.

"Your enjoying this?" The Wraith hissed tone-fully, when he broke from the female's flesh. She tasted like some strange unknown fruit-like substance. The Elder had tasted a great many thing's, over the course of his lifetimes. But the identity of that odd taste, completely eluded his knowledge, at this time.

"Not as much, as them." Amelia giggled and pointed a crossed the room at another oddly paired couple. She didn't recognize the beast or his companion, but the human female was sitting on top of a table. The Wraith in question was nestled between her exposed knee's. The human moaned loudly when the Wraith nipped at her perceptibly willing body.

"What of those two?" The Elder leaned over Amelia's shoulder and pulled her body close to his own. If he allowed  his posture to slump greatly, he could see about the same eye level as the human. 'Do you, e-n-v-y, what they share?' The Wraith directed the human's sight toward another lust filled pairing a crossed the room.

This time the couple was giggling and whispering in one an others ear, like children. Amelia laughed with astonishment; it was such a human thing to witness, and it always put a new meaning to the term inter-racial. The Elder held his companion close as they continued to examine several other male Wraith, flirting effortlessly and indulging in a human female's company. Most pairings held their own majesty, displaying happy and consensual behaviors, over the course of several hours.

'Envy, doesn't suit you, either.' The enthralled female turned to meet the Elders inquisitive stare, with fiery blue eyes. She waited until the crowds start to disperse. Before responding to the beast's last inquiry, with a playful smile.

"Bold female." The Wraith purred pleasurably, then released a loud resonating laugh. He then turned Amelia's form around and pulled her belly close to chest. 'How can I be, j-e-a-l-o-u-s...Of something, I already, p-o-s-s-e-s-s?'  The beast teased the female's lips with heat of his own, as his tender voice echoed in the deepest depths of her soul.

'I can...' She gasped passionately unable to complete a logical thought. Every nerve pulsated with a desire, that shouldn't exist. The human was never more certain, then in this single moment, that the sensations she felt were undeniably mutual.

'Y-e-s... You, c-a-n, sense me, as, I-I-I, feel you.' Tone-full thought answered the female's confusion, before she understood it, herself. "We should, r-e-t-i-r-e." The Wraith whispered verbally, before pressing his lips against the humans flesh.

'Must we?' Her mental response caused the Wraiths displayed passions to deepen. The beast spun the female's body around, pinning her back against the table with a lust filled purr. The collar she wore, was a problem, keeping his erotic caress high on her neck. Amelia responded in kind, twisting her fingers through the Elders white hair and around the back of his neck.

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