9th Chapter: Routine

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The captive female awoke, several hours later, to the sound of footsteps roaming about the room. 'The beast must be awake.' Her mind rumbled in a fruitless effort to cling, to unconsciousness. She laid still, expecting the covers to be torn away any moment. When she was left undisturbed for some time, Amelia finally started to move, on her own.

The fur backed blankets where very pliable for their large size. It was easy for the timid female to curl one corner, to look out into the room. The beast was mostly undressed, she noticed the large pile of leather draped over the end of the bed. The grayish hue of his exposed legs drew her eye toward a simple loin cloth styled covering, over his midsection. The Wraith reached into a nearby cabinet, pulling a fresh piece of black leather free from within.

She continued to watch, unable to look away, as the exposed Wraith placed one foot, into each pant leg. 'Everyone puts on their pants, one leg at a time.' For a split second, Amelia tried to understand the Wraith's behavior. 'Everything happens for a reason...If you believe in fate.' Her mind rumbled. Then when the beasts head turned slightly in her direction, the timid female quickly closed the opening in the blanket. 'Cheating telepaths!' her mind hissed.

"You're not, going to make me, get up?" The flustered human tossed the blanket off her body, with a small huff. She stayed hidden beneath the covers until the heat of her own breath, made it difficult to remain. Surprisingly, it had been long enough for the beast to add a clean jacket, to his current apparel.

"The decision to stand, with me. M-u-s-t, be, your own." The Elder finished lacing his boot and looked up from a seated position, a crossed the room. "I have told you, of the circumstances, that surround us. I will not force that choice upon you..." The beast turned his attention toward his right cuff. "...A-g-a-i-n." He proceed to pull the lacing, on his right bracer tight, then tuck the excess string between the layers of leather.

The captive human sat up quietly and curled her knees under her chin. She couldn't read the Wraith's mood; he was strangely emotionless. The beast focused on his own appearance, as he continued to fuss about the room for several more minutes.

"I didn't ask for..." Amelia's painful whisper stopped the Elder movements. He turned to face the sulking female with a disappointed sigh. "I should have realized, what he was doing." She buried her face, to hide the unkept tears from view. "I should have fought harder..." She whined.

"There is, n-o, n-e-e-d, to... R-e-m-e-m-b-e-r." The Elders voice responded in a comforting purr. The female's unsettled emotions permeated the very air. The Wraith reacted, instinctively, to the females continued anger. Locking away his own emotions, in an attempt, to avoid another confrontation.

"Maybe I do." The sobbing human raised her head, allowing the beast to see the rivers of salt rolling down her cheeks. "Maybe not telling you, makes this worse." Amelia lashed out angrily.

"Stay, if you wish." The beast knelt on the side of the bed, with a tone-full hiss and a stern glare. "You may, wait for him to find you, a-l-o-n-e." He reached one hand out toward Amelia's shoulder. "Because if you leave my side, I am certain, that eventuality, will come to pass." The Elder retracted his advance, without encountering the human's flesh. "If that is your wish... I will not... Interfere."

"I never saw him coming." The emotional human whimpered regretfully. "I couldn't... Stop, either of you." She gasped for air between sentences. "I didn't know what... I-I... He...You..." Amelia continued to stutter, unable to formulate her emotions into comprehendible words. Her mind was confused, and her emotions neared typhoon capabilities. A tiny bit of the female soul wanted to believe the Elder's perceived generosity. Yet, after witnessing his anger firsthand, she was more reluctant than ever.

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