4th Chapter: Covenant

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Amelia had no clue, what time it was, when the large tone-full Wraith finally started to move. His loud grunting made certain she was awake, despite her ability to remain motionless for hours. The beast didn't get dressed, he merely got up and started reviewing more handheld tablet-like objects for the better part of the day.

"I commend your restraint. I can admire your dedication to silence. Your anger, however understandable, is misplaced." The Elder hissed tone-fully. The female stiffened her posture, ignoring him. "I cannot believe a human, can harbor no words of expression..." When the female continued to ignore him, he thought to antagonize a different nerve. "...G-i-v-e-n, your mind's ability to formulate insult's, at such a rapid pace."

Amelia's emotionless stature crumbled for a mere second. The thought of the beast inside her mind, angered her more. Still it was not enough, to bring forth a verbal response. The female took in a deep breath and refocused her eyes on the wall. The limited response she fought to hide, made the Wraith certain, she was listening.

"If you will not speak your mind, to me. I fear, there can be no, t-r-u-s-t, between us." The Elder Wraith declared his statement, with a defeated expression. His exposed form started to pace about the room aimlessly, when he received no immediate response.

"T-r-u-s-t? 'ha' Walk into my parlour, said a Spider to a Fly." The humans whisper caused the Wraith to stop and turn in her direction. "What a golden web of lies you spi..."

"You are, i-m-p-o-s-s-i-b-l-e!" The Elder's rage exploded stopping the females insult mid-sentence. Then when he stepped in her direction, she bowed her head regretfully.

"Yes, Master." The humans submissive whisper dissipated the Wraith's anger instantly. She was cornered, lashing out verbally, seemed to be her only defense. He would have done, no less in her situation.

"Would you prefer, that I beat you?" The beast stepped dangerously close to Amelia's grounded position. "Or perhaps... There is a better way..." The creature snatched the thin blankets, covering her flesh. The female's battered body moved with the cloth, as it flung helplessly onto the soft surface, nearby. The Wraith then confined the pile of flesh and cloth to the bed, with a lustful purr. "... To gain your compliance."

"Lier!" Amelia screamed in a futile attempt to fend off her attacker. The Elder Wraith hissed tone-fully, when he narrowly avoided a knee to groin. With a bit of quick thinking, he managed to straddle the struggling female, avoiding injury.

"You believe..." The Wraith's stopped to prevent the human's flailing arms from hitting his exposed chest. "... that I have betrayed you." The Wraith groaned as he pushed both Amelia's arms into the soft bed. "You think, I allowed the Maker to leave unpunished, for his intrusion." The Wraith snarled tone-fully.

"Do you know what he did to me?" The females voice whispered painfully. Her fight started to subside, as she tried not to look, at her captor.

"Do you know what I did to him?" The Wraith returned the females inquisition in soothing tones. "A break to the upper right arm of a Wraith, will not prevent him from feeding. However, the injury will make the experience excruciatingly painful... for several months to come." The creature grinned proudly.

"You get upset when I speak. You get angry when I don't speak." The female slowly turned her head until she meant the Wraith's eye. "What do you want from me?" The question triggered an uncontrollable rise in the beast's temperature.

"My desires matter very little, in this situation. What I wish, is for you, to end this distasteful behavior. If we are, b-o-t-h, going to survive the coming challenges. We both, m-u-s-t, l-e-a-r-n, to trust one another." The Elder released the human with a tone-full huff and moved to a more upright position on the soft bed, next to her.

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