20th chapter: Epilogue?

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"When Todd first arrived in the city he was near death. After suffering several seizures, he recovered, without Feeding or regaining consciousness. I've never seen anything like it. According to the Medic..." Keller's report was cut short.

"Is that what we are calling him, now?" McKay interrupted loudly.

"Your the only one arguing about his name, Rodney." Sheppard's voice rang with irritation.

"When do I get to name one?" The scientists voice squeaked when he started to notably pout.

"I don't see why, we just don't call him dead." Ronin's bass-filled voice echoed throughout the room.

"Enough, everyone! Let the Doctor Keller finish her report." Woolsey's voice spat sternly and the room fell silent.

"As I was saying, The Medic, claimed there was nothing abnormal about Todd's recent behavior. The Elder, as the Medic calls him. Suffers from a rare condition, the Wraith called Separation Sickness. It's often accompanied by long bouts of unexplained aggression and withdraw. He also claimed, it was one of several ailments that might be effecting Amy.

According to the Medic's report, there was an incident, that accorded shortly before they escaped the Wraith Outpost. He claimed she was taken hostage by the commanding Wraith and dossed with something he called Cluadium. His explanation does correspond with the levels of strange chemicals, I found in her system.

Unfortunately, I don't have any experience with this particular compound. So for now, we don't have much of choice, but to trust the Wraith. When he says this compound, combined with the storage process, triggered Amy's retrograde amnesia." Keller tried to maintain a calm neutral tone while speaking to the room full Atlantis command staff.

"So we are trusting another Wraith, with our lives." Ronin growled under his breath, loud enough for everyone to hear.

"The Medic does have a really good reason not to lie. From what I can tell Nella, the pregnant woman, she's quite attached to him. Tests result's also show a high probability the child is a hybrid. It's difficult to test accurately at this stage. We will have to wait and see for ourselves in a few days."

"Days?" Woolsey almost spit his drink across the table. "What are we, a Day-Care Center?" The grumbled comment gained a stern glare from Teyla who had chosen to remain quiet during the meeting.

"That's not all, Sir. Neither patient seems to be suffering from any negative effects, as the levels of Wraith enzyme's begin to drop. It's possible the infant is stabilizing Nella, but Amy's test's result's show the same decreasing levels, with no increasing ill effects. It's more like their body-chemistry has adapted." Keller grinned slightly.

"Is the child, in any danger?" Woolsey questioned in a somber tone.

"That's the good news. Both child and mother are healthy. As far, as I, can tell." Kellers voice stuttered, as her eye wondered aimlessly around the room.

"So whats the bad news?" Sheppard added curiously.

"The child is big." She released a defeated sigh, before continuing. "Too big, to deliver naturally, without causing detrimental harm to the mother." The doctor hardly glanced in Sheppard's direction.

"What about cesarean? Can't you deliver the child safely, through other means?" The base's civilian commander seemed oblivious to the apparent danger.

"Who's gonna distract the father? While I preform surgery on Nella?" Doctor Keller's eye darted upwards and glanced expectantly around the room. Not a single one of Atlantis' high ranking, human commanders would meet the females watchful glare.

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