11th Chapter: Aftermath

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"Nimble as ever, B-r-o-t-h-e-r." The High-Commander's resonating purr echoed. An involuntary reaction caused the bowls of his gut to rumble in response. Something was off, the Elder Wraith felt cold and it was difficult to open his eyes. 'That scent', was undeniable, and the Elder reached for its source, out of instinct. Hissing pleasurably, when his clawed hand connected with something soft and pliable.

"What have you done?" The Elder's rage commanded answers. He continued to squeeze the soft flesh of his captured target. When his eyes finally opened, a very familiar old Wraith, was glaring proudly back at him. "B-r-o-t-h-e-r." The Elder hissed tone-fully.

"Attacking me, would be a mistake. Since it was my command, that brought you... And your pet, aide." The unflinching beast glanced down, at his own right hand. It was inches from the Elder's chest, the Commander had no intention of losing this fight. Also, there were several Warrior's posted at the outer threshold's, who turned to inspect the situation. The bold attack couldn't be justified, at the time.

"Are you going to explain?" The Elder released his grip with a flustered snarl. He turned to his left, releasing a painful howl when his broken foot felt from the tall table. 'Bone took time to heal properly. Time that had not passed.' The Elder kept his mind focused and free of the human female, for now.

"I might ask you the same question." The High-Commander moved slowly around the medical table to confront the crippled Elder, face to face. "How do you manipulate female's, so easily? That human sacrificed her life, c-a-r-e-l-e-s-s-l-y." The brazen question caused the Elder to snarl tone-fully in return. He then braced for a physical attack, that never arrived. "T-e-l-l, m-e, have you betrayed the Queens, a-l-r-e-a-d-y? Is, t-h-a-t, why the female persists? Have you..."

"Y-o-u, know not, of what, you speak!" The Elders rage burst, uncontrollably. "If you continue, to conceive these insane notions. I will be forced to seek, reprimands." The Elder growled sternly. Despite his injury, he had no doubt, he would win a physical confrontation between them. To his great annoyance, the High Commander, wasn't seeking a physical argument.

"Tales of the Songbird's selfless defiance, in the name of her Lord Elder. Have already spread beyond containment. Had the impudent creature, returned without you. I would have been forced to kill her, for such, b-r-a-z-e-n, i-n-s-o-l-e-n-c-e." The High-Commander toyed with his words, speaking in pleasurable and resonating tone's. "It pleases me, t-h-a-t, that outcome... Did, n-o-t, come to pass."

"That, c-h-a-o-s, was not a natural occurrence. Tell me, B-r-o-t-h-e-r, did you shut down the surface ventilation yourself? Or did you soil an Underlings hands, instead?" The Elders accusation was cold and taunting. ''You will never know, the truth, Brother.' The Elder kept his thoughts vague. Then he buried them, deep within his mind.

"You do care for her! Or you, wouldn't be trying so hard... To keep me, d-i-s-t-r-a-c-t-e-d. Come now Brother, we have known each other, a-l-l, our lives. Let us end, these tiresome games." The High-Commander declared pleasurably.

"W-h-e-n, I save the humans life..." The Elders yellow eye's where empty when they turned toward the commanding Wraith. "...Not even you, will question, my actions, B-r-o-t-h-e-r." The serious nature of the beast's statement echoed loudly throughout the room. "W-h-e-n, she stands, by my side... Again. No one will ask why. No one will question her loyalties. A-n-d... S-h-e, W-i-l-l, stand by my side, Again! Not even the Queens will stop me... From repaying this debt. Unconditional loyalty is a rare and precious quality, even, Y-o-u, must respect." The Elder maintained his cold and emotionless posture.

"The old ways are long dead, B-r-o-t-h-e-r. Rule's and honor, fell with them, many lifetime's ago." The commanding Wraith hissed in return. "The Young Queen's, do not, k-e-e-p, to your traditions. And the Old Queens dwindle in number, each day. S-o-o-n, there will be no one left, that cares for you... Or your debt's." The two Wraith continued to glare aggressively at one another for several minutes. Usually the Elder had some clever retort, but this interaction fell short of his brother's, seemingly high expectations.

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