3rd Chapter: Concessions

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"I have no patience, for this, u-n-w-a-n-t-e-d, intrusion?" The loud rumble startled Amelia and she opened her eye's without moving. There was nothing visible to her, 'Who was the beast speaking to?' Her mental question was quickly answered, when an unknown voice carried through the room's inner chamber.

"The Keep Master, c-o-m-m-a-n-d-s. That I personally, s-i-z-e, the great Elder's new Concubine. For proper, a-t-t-i-r-e, of course." The multi-toned response had to be another Wraith male, his tone-full rumble was confident and steady. 'Are they discussing her?' The human female cringed quietly, she didn't want either beast to notice, she had awoken.

"Take another, s-t-e-p, and it will be your, l-a-s-t, M-a-k-e-r." The Elders tone-full voice snarled coldly. Amelia wanted to look, yet she was afraid to move.

"I-t, matters very little to me, when I die, n-o-w, or, l-a-t-e-r. Though, I do prefer, neither option. S-S-S-S-o-o-o-o-o-o, if you do not mind. I will perform my task and leave." The opposing Wraith seemed to sneer in response. The terrifying hissing sound released by the Elder, echoed through the inner chamber and caused fearful shivers to travel down the human's spine, in pulsating waves.

"I, w-i-l-l, n-o-t, r-e-p-e-a-t, m-y-s-e-l-f." The Elder released a furious and tone-full warning.

"He will merely send, a-n-o-t-h-e-r, in my place, and another. Until the task is complete." The intruding voice remained calm despite the perceived tension bubbling in the room. "Between, u-u-u-u-u-s-s-s-s-s-s, great Elder. This High Commander has never been a, f-a-v-o-r-i-t-e of mine." The echoing silence seemed to last for an entirety.

"W-a-i-t, h-e-r-e." Amelia could sense anger dripping from the Elder's declared concession. The terrified female curdled her body up small when the sound of footsteps approached her position on the bed. "Get up." The beast's voice commanded loudly, right above her head.

"I-n-t-e-r-e-s-t-i-n-g...Given your state of attire, E-l-d-e-r." The shivering female looked up to find a strangely short and oddly plump looking Wraith standing in the inner threshold of the two chambers. 'Is that who he was talking to?' The humans mind rumbled, her body afraid to make a sound.

"I told you, t-o, w-a-i-t!" The Elder immediately stepped between the encroaching intruder and the human's position on the bed. Then when the beasts left hand dangled, open palm, behind his back. Some odd compulsion caused Amelia to sit up quickly. The female moved to the edge of the bed grabbing ahold of the Elder's offered hand, as she leaned heavily against his back. The tall leather-bound form acted like a shield, cloaking her from the enemy's sight.

"This will be, more, p-l-e-a-s-a-n-t, for both of us. If you allow me a moment, a-l-o-n-e, with her." The plump Wraith was eerily calm in his repose, while the protective beast gripped the human's hand tightly in return, keeping her extremely close. It was easy to tell, the Elder was as irritated by this intrusion, as she was.

"I will break every bone, you, a-t-t-e-m-p-t, to touch her with." The Elder Wraith took a small step forward, leaving a tiny gap, between his position and the bed. Amelia took it as a sign, to stand up and move with him.

"T-h-a-t, will make this process quite difficult. Given, I must take the humans measurements, b-y, h-a-n-d." The round Wraith grinned and held out a small thin strap of leather.

"You must, t-h-i-n-k, I am a fool? Scanning her, will p-r-e-s-e-r-v-e, your life." The Elder Wraith hissed loudly.

'Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha' The smaller of the two Wraith let go a hideous laugh before he turned and confronted the Elder with a stern expression. Amelia couldn't see clearly, as she carefully tried to peer around her leathery shield.

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