Garurumon Howls!

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We stood atop a cliff near the beach where we got thrashed by Shellmon. Thankfully, Agumon digivolved into Greymon and saved us.

I stood next to Tk and Matt, as the younger blonde wouldn't let my hand go. His shy blue eyes looked up at me.

"Raya?" He said, I looked down and knelt on one knee to face him at eye level.

"What's wrong, Tk?" I asked, smiling as he frowned and held my hand tighter.

"Are you sure it doesn't hurt?" That threw me for a loop.

He had asked the question before, and I heard Matt's breath hitch as he too heard the question.

I sighed, affectionately rubbing Tk's head and ruffling his hair.

"I promise, it doesn't hurt too much. Don't worry about me so much, and focus on yourself and Matt." I said, standing back up as Luna climbed onto my shoulder.

"Yo, Agumon." Tai called over his partner.

"What's up, Tai?" Agumon asked.

"I like it when you're Greymon. No offense, but why don't you just stay that way?" Tai asked.

"I can't." Tai huffed in disappointment, "But even superheroes need a rest."

Tai suddenly tipped over and if it wasn't for Agumon catching him, Tai would've taken a swan dive into the ocean.

We all laughed as Tai was pulled back from the cliff edge.

All of a sudden, roars proudly soared through the air. We turned around and saw a dinosaur digimon. They looked like triceratops with white bodies and steel armor.

The digimon looked straight at us.

"Who's that digimon?" Izzy asked.

"It's a Monochromon, but don't worry about him he's a laid back digimon." Tentomon reassured us.

The Monochromon roared again.

"Although it is better to be cautious around a Monochromon. They do tend to get a bit miffed when they're hungry."

"Then he must be starving because he looks really mad." Tai exclaimed in slight fear.

"And I think he wants to eat us." Mimi added.

Monochromon roared again, and this time it was followed by another loud roar from behind us.

We turned around to see another Monochromon.

"There are two of them!" Joe shouted.

"We're caughr between a rock and two sets of teeth." Matt added.

We ran behind the large rocks to our right and hid behind them. The Monochromon began to fight.

"Something must've set those Monochromon off." Tai said.

"Yeah, their behavior is strange." I agreed.

"They're fighting over territory." Tentomon said.

"They can just have it then." Palmon said running towards the forest, the rest of us following close behind.

We ran far from the site, Tk was still holding onto my hand when he tripped and fell.

I stopped and turned around, watching as Matt ran up behind us.

"Come on, Tk!" He said, helping Tk to his feet.

We continued to run far from the beach, we slowed down our pace a little later.

We continued walking until the sky turned pink. I admired the beauty of the Digital World, but something about it was familiar.

Luna was sleeping in my arms, smiling and mumbling in her sleep. I smiled down at her, thinking that she was just too cute!

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