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The air was hot as the sun beat down on our heads. It wasn't good for any of us, but it was especially bad for Kari and me.

I was already warm, and I knew from the past when Kari was in the same hospital as me. She didn't have a very good immune system and this heat would fry her.

I took off my cloak and wrapped it around her, hoping that it would help keep her temperature constant, or at least cool her down and protect her form the sun.

She looked up at me with her face all red, "Raya, are you sure?" She asked. I smiled at her and held her close to my side.

"I'll be just fine, Kari. You need my cloak more than I do." I reassured. Luna climbed down from my head to my shoulder, placing her little hand on my forehead before shouting at the burning temperature I had.

"Raya, this is bad, you're warmer than before." She said, worried about the heat I gave off.

But I smiled and took her into my arms.

"It's all right, Luna. Just a little fever. I'll take care of it when we find a place to stop and rest." I said.

We didn't say anything more for a short while, but as I glanced down at Kari, I noticed that her face was even more red than before. And my vision was starting to get blurry.

"This road has to be going somewhere, right?" Tai asked tiredly.

"Don't count on it, nothing is certain in the digi world." Tentomon said.

Kari coughed as she and I trailed behind the group with our digimon.

She coughed again and my vision was getting worse as the heat began to beat down harder on us.

"Do you have a furball, Kari?" Gatomon asked.

"No, silly. I'm okay." Kari replied weakly, her body swaying dangerous from side to side.

I held her hand to keep her steady, but I wasn't steady enough to help.

"One thing's for sure, only a cactus could love this place." Sora said as the rest of the group walked ahead of us.

I looked down at Kari, her face red with fever and skin paler than a ghost. She began to fall forward. I knelt down to catch her, but ended up giving in to the heat and sickness and falling with her in my arms.

"Kari! Raya!" Everyone shouted in fear when they heard our bodies thump against the road.

Our friends ran to our sides, turning us over to see what was wrong.

"Raya! Raya, talk to me!" Tk begged, his expression worried.

"I'm... I'm all right... Tk." I said in a hoarse tone, my throat dry and scratchy.

"You are not all right!" Luna shouted at me, tears already falling from her eyes.

"We'd better find somewhere to let them rest." Izzy suggested. Everyone agreed, Tai picked Kari and Sora and Izzy helped me get to my feet.

We hurried as fast as we could down the road until we found a little bus stop with shade.

I sat down against the bench under the canopy above and let Kari lay on the seat, my cloak still on her to help block out the heat.

With whatever water we had, Sora dumped it on a towel and put it on Kari's head. I didn't mind. She was more important than I was.

"They have to stay out of the sun, and we need to find a way to get their fevers down soon." Sora said.

"Don't worry, I won't leave you." Gatomon said from her spot on the bench to Kari.

"Niehter will I leave you, Raya." Luna said, hugging my arm tightly.

Digimon Adventure: A Yamato love storyWhere stories live. Discover now