No Questions Please

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~~~~Raya POV~~~~

My barrier was still holding strong, but I was growing weaker. It had been two days since I was given any food or water as punishment for my rebellious attitude as he called it.

Who was 'he' you ask? He was called Myotismon, a nasty vampire digimon who wants my power, like every other evil digimon.

The screeching cries of bats swarmed around me as his devilish form appeared before me, his eyes glowing crimson red in the darkness.

"Why won't you just give in, Digi-mage?" He asked me this question every time he came to see me.

"Your friends are no where near this place, they won't find you before your energy has run down completely."

I looked up with determination in my tired eyes.

"My friends will find me. And you don't make me think otherwise." My answer infuriated him. He slammed his hand on my barrier, only to be thrown back by his own strength turned against him.

"Tch, fine, have it your way." He said as he threw a few pieces of bread on the ground, "Enjoy the scraps, little human. Just remember, sooner or later, your power will be mine."

The screeching bats came again and took Myotismon away. I sighed, shaking Luna in my arms to wake her up.

She yawned as she rubbed her eyes of sleep.

"Raya, are you okay?" She asked tiredly.

I smiled the best I could and nodded, pointing towards the pile of bread Myotismon left.

"We have new food, now. Can you go and get it?" I asked. Luna nodded happily and jumped out of my arms to grab the scraps of bread.

After she brought them back and we ate what we had, I suddenly began to feel really tired, almost like I had no strength left to keep my eyes open.

Next thing I knew, I was laying on the ground before my eyes closed and my world turned black.

Luna sat next to me as I fell asleep, laying next to my head and softly crying for me to be all right.

How little I knew about my future, and how my friends were really doing.

~~~~Izzy POV~~~~

I was floating. Somewhere. Where was I again? Oh, yeah. In a strange void.

But how did I get here again?

...That's right. I was traveling with Tentomon for two months trying to find Gennai and hopefully get some answers

But each time we went a different way, it seemed as if we were nit going anywhere new.

"Got any ideas, Tentomon? We're walking in circles." I joked.

"We could walk in squares, but that's not likely to work either. Let's take a breather and wait for him to come to us." Tentomon suggested.

"I'd rather take a scientific approach to this problem." I said.

"Yes, but even scientists need to take a break."

"We don't have time to rest, so stop asking."

Tentomon groaned as we continued walking.

"I'm absolutely sure he's around here somewhere." I said.

"I hope so for my feet's wake."

We continued walking for a while longer.

"I'm curious to know why Gennai is so secretive." I wondered aloud. I took out my tag and crest and stared at it, thinking of the many questions I wanted to ask him.

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