The Ultimate Clash

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I stood next to Matt, holding his hand as MetalGarurumon stood to his right. Even though I loved Matt and wanted him to stop this fight, it was because I loved that I let him keep going.

"Calm down, Matt. Don't get so bent out of shape." Tai said, "The last thing we need right now is a hothead with attitude. We've got more important things to think about."

"Everyone's upset." Tk said with a sad expression as he stared at his older brother.

"Look," Joe said stepping closer to Matt, "All I know is that this stupid bickering is giving me a gigantic headache."

"Chill out." Matt told Joe.

"Have you forgotten that we have been chosen to be the digidestined?"

Matt scoffed and smirked, then turned to Joe, "And would you mind telling me who exactly chose us for this dumb job anyway?" Joe couldn't answer.

"Come on, I want some answers and you can't seem to give them to me."

Joe turned away, unable to give Matt the answers he wanted. But for some reason, I felt like I knew the answer, I just didn't know how to explain it.

"Don't waste your time, Joe. He's just being a big spoiled brat!" Tai shouted. Matt turned towards Tai and glared at him, letting go of my hand and forcing out his anger.

"You're the brat." Matt yelled, "Why don't you go mind your own business?"

"The problem with you is pretty easy to figure out. You're upset because you wanna be the boss." Tai yelled back.

Matt smirked, "Yeah, like I'd wanna be boss of this sorry group. If any of you brainiacs wanna take charge, be my guest. I say we just take care of ourselves."

I stayed silent. What Matt was saying hurt me, but like always, I suffered in silence. Just like when I was little.

"Stop fighting, you two. We've got to stick together." Sora intervened.

"Don't look at me, Matt's the one who's got a bug up his nose." Tai said, then turned and huffed as he walked away, "I don't have to listen to this."

"Bug up the nose? That's a bad thing?" Agumon asked as he followed his partner. Luna looked out at our friends and then up at me from my arms.

"Raya, are you sure you shouldn't intervene?" She asked, "If this keeps up, then all of us will be torn apart."

I shook my head and looked down at Luna, "I have a feeling, Luna. Something is going to happen and there's nothing I can do to stop it, not even if I tried." I replied.

"Hold on one moment." MetalGarurumon jumped over Tai and Agumon and landed in front of them, stopping them from proceeding.

Tai and Agumon jumped back a little from the sudden blockage, then turned around and glared again at Matt.

"Don't pushed me too far." Tai growled.

"Oh, I'm scared." Matt answered with heavy sarcasm.

"You'd better be scared! I'm getting really mad."

"Oh, excuse me! But what are you gonna do about it?" MetalGarurumon asked, his voice growling like some wild animal itching to take down his prey.

"Stay right there!"

"Get real, dude!" Tai shouted.

"Watch it!" Agumon warned as he stood in front of his partner protectively. MetalGarurumon jumped high into the air, Agumon following his movements as the moment of truth came.

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