The Ninth Child Revealed

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I was walking down the streets towards the Kamiya residence. Just a few hours ago, Kari called me and asked if I would come over to have dinner with her family. I said yes, happy to see her again. But that wasn't the only reason I wanted to see her

I've been getting strange feelings whenever I would think about the ninth child, and that feeling would grow whenever I was near Kari. That's when I knew for sure that Kari was the ninth child we've been looking for. What's crazier was that Gatomon, the digimon I've been seeing in my visions and dreams, was her partner digimon.

It was crazy, and I knew that it true, but Gatomon was on the wrong side of this battle and Kari didn't have a digivice.

"Raya?" I heard someone say my name. I was torn from my thoughts and looked down at Luna in my arms.

"Luna, is something wrong?" I asked. She shook her head.

"Not with me, but I'm worried about you. You've been quiet for a while. What are you thinking about?" She asked.

"I was just thinking about Kari." I said, "She's the ninth child, I know it. But she doesn't have a digivice. And that crest..."

"Don't worry, I'm sure that Kari has a digivice. She must've misplaced it or it was lost." I smiled and nodded.

After a few more minutes of walking, we made it to the Kamiya's door and knocked.

"Coming!" I heard Kari's voice shout from the other side of the door. The door opened and I saw Kari smiling happily.

"Raya, you're here! I'm glad you were able to come!" She said, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the apartment.

"Tai, Raya's here!" She said. Kari pulled me into the living room and sat me down.

Tai came out of his room and gasped when he saw me on the couch.

"Raya? What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Aww, are you not happy to see me?" I joked with a fake pout, "Kari invited me to spend the evening with you all."

Luna chuckled softly and jumped out of my lap, almost instantly, the Kamiya family cat, Meeko, jumped into my lap and curled up comfortably.

We sat watching the news, at some point, Mrs. Kamiya brought us a plate of watermelon. I grabbed one of the slices and ate happily as Tai joined us on the couch and watched tv.

"Hey, Raya?" Kari said, a little shyly.

"What is it, Kari?" I asked.

"Do... do you think I could see your leg? It's been a while since I've seen your leg." I was a little surprised.

"Kari, you can't just ask a question like that." Tai scolded, but I smiled.

"Its okay, Tai, I'm not as insecure about my prosthetic as in the past." I said, turning back to Kari, "Of course you can my leg."

Meeko quickly jumped off my lap as I bent down and pulled up my pant leg. Kari gasped in amazement when she saw the sleek plastic and metal.

"So cool! It makes you look so awesome." She said as she jumped off the couch and crouched down to touch my leg.

I smiled, remembering that she had a similar reaction to the first time I ever showed her my leg when we were at the hospital together.

"Now back to our top story." The news channel reporter said, "Several more strange monsters have been sighted earlier today in and around the Tokyo area. In the same community, more reports of young girls being struck down by what doctors call sudden anemia. Investigators say that the incidents may be related." 

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