Rise of Greymon

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I held Luna tightly against my chest as we fell from the cliff to the water below.

"Sora!" I heard Biyomon yell.

"Izzy!" "Tk!"

The three flying digimon flew down to grab their partners, but since the digimon had just digivolved, they weren't used to their new bodies and abilities, so they couldn't hold them for long.

We finally hit the water, but Gomamon shouted, "Fish Net!" As Luna and I sunk into the water, we were suddenly lifted out of it by a large school of colorful fish.

The others landed safely on the fish.

"Wow, this is some ride." Tai said, surprised and dumbfounded by the school of fish.

The large digimon's roar cut through the air as the cliff began to collapse.

"Hey, look out!" Matt shouted. Luna held me tighter as the fish swam faster.

However, the water became rough as the large cliff fell into the water. We held onto the fish as tight as we could, until finally we washed ashore.

I coughed up all the water I had in my mouth as I sat up and looked around at my friends. I sighed with relief, thankful that no one seemed injured.

"I knew we would be okay. I wasn't worried." Matt said.

I chuckled, "Yeah, well your screams of fear said otherwise." I said. I laughed as his face turned red in embarrassment.

"What was that, a floating fish market?" Joe asked as he wanted on the ground.

"Lucky for us those fish were having a school reunion, haha." Joe looked up at the newly evolved Gomamon in confusion.

Gomamon just smiled happily as his tail wagged back and forth, "I'm kidding, those fish are good friends of mine and I just asked them for a lift."

"And all these I thought I was allergic to seafood, thank you... Uh.. I guess it's not Pukamon?" Joe asked.

"Gomamon, now."

"Gomamon." Joe repeated.

"And I guess you're not Tokomon anymore are you?" Tk asked as he stared at his partner.

"Mmhm, now I'm Patamon." Patamon said.

"It's all because we digivolved." Agumon said, explaining what had happened to them.

"I don't think that word's in my vocabulary." Tai said.

"So digivolving is when a digimon advances to the next level and becomes more powerful." Izzy concluded. I smiled as he got it right.

"Right, all of us digivolved. I went from Motimon to Tentomon." Tentomon explained.

"I digivolved from Yokomon to Biyomon."

"First I was Tsunomon, then Gabumon."

"And I digivolved from Tanemon to Palmon."

"And me, I was Koromon. I digivolved into Agumon."

Sora looked over at Luna and me, "What about that digimon?" She pointed towards Luna, "She didn't  change like the rest of you."

I blushed and rubbed the back of my head to calm my nerves.

"Luna, you'd better explain." I said. She blushed as well and hid her face in my arms.

"I digivolved a long time ago, so I'm already at the rookie level like everyone else." Luna explained.

Everyone stared at Luna, who hid further in my arms to hide her red face.

"Could you guys stop staring at Luna? She's awfully shy, ya know." I said.

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