Book Two Sneak Peak

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It was dark in the forest

The inhabitants of this world were terrified....

For darkness reigned over this world in the form of an emperor.

But in the name of this world.... I will fight.

"My Lady." One of my old friends said from behind me.

I turned around and saw my friend bowing respectfully.

"There is no need to address me as "My Lady", my friend." I said, smiling from under my hood.

"Yes, but allow me to call you so, out of respect." He said.

I sighed, knowing that my friend would continue to call me that, even if I wished for him to stop.

"Have you found any information about her, yet?" I asked.

"Unfortunately, My Lady, we have not."

I sighed, disappointed that we haven't found her yet.

"It's fine. The new digidestined will arrive soon in this world. They will help defeat this darkness with that, we will find her."

"The new digidestined? They're coming?"

I nodded, "They'll be here soon. Notify the rebellion. When they arrive, I understand that they'll be confused. They'll need help accepting their roles."

My friend nodded, disappearing into the darkness.

"I hope we find her soon. This world can never be saved without her."

I raised my hand into the air, the golden ring around my wrist glowing and cutting through the darkness.

I won't let this world succumb to the darkness. The emperor will be stopped by the new digidestined. And I will return to her.

The digital world will be saved from darkness once again.

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