Return to Highton View Terrace

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We were finally back home. The digimon keycards opened up the right pathway home through the gate, and due to our luck, we were sent back to our summer campsite.

Now we had to begin our mission: to find the ninth digidestined child.

"We're back at camp where we started." Tk said happily.

"Now we've gotta get to Highton View Terrace before Myotismon finds the ninth digidestined." Tai said.

"I wonder how much of a headstart he has on us." Sora wondered aloud.

"Not even a minute has passed since Myotismon left for Japan and we arrived." Izzy explained turning around and facing us. "Time flows at a different pace in the digital world."

"I'll say. We've been gone for months in the digital world, and in the real world it's the same day we left." Matt said amazed.

"But that's impossible." Joe said, "You mean all those adventures took less time than it takes to say get a haircut?"

"Oh, Joe, please don't exaggerate. Imagine getting your hair done in such a short amount of time." Mimi gasped. I smiled and chuckled at her response then breathed in the fresh air around us.

Sure, the air in the digital world was nice, but it's always good to breathe the air of home.

Tai suddenly raced down the stone steps towards the camp.

"I'm gonna take a look at the camp." He said, "I wanna take a look for myself how much time has really passed. One of you come with me, the rest of you stay there. Who volunteers?" Just as he made it to the bottom of the stone steps, Koromon, Biyomon and Gomamon came stumbling down the steps.

We quickly followed with the rest of our digimon.

"I said one volunteer, not thirteen." Tai said catching Koromon as he slipped down the stairs.

"We thought we'd keep you company." Miko said.

"And we're gonna keep Mimi company." Joe added.

"I think we're all pretty curious to find out what had happened while we were gone." Izzy said.

"But how will we explain it when people see our digimon?" Tai asked.

"Oh kids!" A voice shouted from behind us. We all faced the direction of the voice and saw our teacher running up the steps.

"It's our teacher!" Sora exclaimed, "We are back in the real world."

I walked down the rest of the steps to Tai and patted his shoulder in reassurance.

"Follow my lead." I whispered to him, then ran up to our teacher, Luna going limp in my arms.

"Mr. Fugiyama." I said calmly.

He skidded to a stop on the icy ground and looked down angrily at us.

"What are you kids doing here when you haven't even packed up your gear yet?" He asked.

I bowed slightly and apologized, "I'm sorry, sir. The blizzard was awful and it made it hard for us to see. We got lost and hid out in that cabin up there until it died down." I pointed up to the cabin to better show my excuse.

Mr. Fugiyama sighed and stood up straight.

"Well, the good thing is that you weren't hurt in that snow. But anyway, were canceling camp because of the snow. Everyone else is all ready to go home." He said.

Mr. Fugiyama looked behind me and saw the rest of the group holding their digimon. He looked at them suspiciously.

"Where did you get those dirty little toys from?" He asked. Tai visibly panicked while the rest of the group stayed somewhat calm. The digimon wanted to retort the rude comment about them, but everyone covered their mouths, except for Luna who stayed perfectly still and limp in my arms.

Digimon Adventure: A Yamato love storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن