The Crest of Sincerity

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It's cold.

Why was it cold?

Wait a minute... It's warm again.

That's good. I don't really like the cold.

But then... why does it feel sticky? And where's the smell of iron coming from?

Why can't I feel anything?

It's all numb. My body's all numb.

"Raya!" Someone's calling for me. But who is it?

"Raya, speak to me! Wake up." This voice... Matt, is that you?

"Raya, you'll be okay! Just stay with us! Please, stay with us!"

Why would I need to stay? I'm never gonna leave, so why beg?

"Digi-mage..." Who was that? It wasn't Matt.

"You're upcoming adventure shall be tough, but have faith and seek the light."

An adventure? That should be fun. I love adventures. I can't wait.

Matt carried me on his back, I was exhausted from the previous change due to my strange abilities. He covered me with my cloak to keep me cool and Luna stayed as close to me as possible.

And by that, I mean sitting on my shoulder 24/7.

The darkness that took over Greymon's digivolution affected me too, since I was connected to Greymon at the time he evolved.

But all I and Koromon needed was a little rest. That shouldn't be too hard, right?

"Man, this desert is so hot, even a lizard would need sunscreen." Matt groaned.

"Sora, can you carry me?" Biyomon asked. Sora looked doen at her partner with an unsure expression.

"Not even." Was the orange varied girl's answer.

"The crew cut would look good on you and it's cooler." Tentomon commented.

"Do I look fat?" Gabumom asked Matt.

"No, you look hot. Especially with that fur coat, that thing really needs a zipper." Matt replied.

"Or maybe just removable shirtsleeves."

"Hey, how bout resting our feet?" Gomamon said.

"Theres nowhere to sit, except on a cactus." Joe replied.

"Great view up here." Tokomon cheerfully said from atop Tk's head.

"Next time I ride." Tk huffed.

Koromon looked up at his partner with a tired and weak expression on his face.

"You look terrible, Koromon." Tai said, "If only I hadn't acted like a bonehead and listened to Raya, then neither of you would be like this."

"Don't be too hard on yourself, although come to think of it you really did make a super icky mess of things." Mimi said, failing to sound reassuring and just making Tai feel worse.

"Oh, thanks Mimi." Tai thanked sarcastically.

"Oh, no problem, Tai. Always come to me for the pep talk now and then." Mimi replied.

Tai smiled weakly, then leaned over to see Matt carrying my sleeping form.

"Hey Matt, how's Raya doing?" The goggled boy asked.

Matt turned his head towards Luna, who was sitting on my shoulder. My partner felt my head and sighed in relief.

"She doesn't feel too hot anymore. Her cloak is keeping her cool for the time being, but after all that, she'll definitely need more rest." Luna said with a smile.

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