Enter The Dark Masters

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I held on tight to Matt as we fell through the portal to the Digital World. The next thing I knew, I was still in Matt's arms and shivered terribly when I felt nothing but cold darkness surrounding us.

"Well, it looks like we're back." Tai said after we all woke up in the Digital World.

"Back where?" Mimi asked, "In the Digital World?"

"That's affirmative." Izzy said.

"It's dark." Tk commented.

"Yeah, it's kinda weird." Matt said, looking down at me when he felt my body shivering, "Hey, are you all right, Raya?" He asked.

I looked up at him and shook my head, "There's something not right about the Digital world." I said.

Tk gasoed then took off his backpack and opened it, rummaging through the bag and pulling out a familiar white cloak.

"Here, Raya." He said, handing me my Digi-mage cloak, "I thought we might need it." I smiled and thanked Tk for bringing my cloak, then wrapped it around my shoulders and secured it with the button. Instantly I felt better.

"Hey! Look up there!" Sora shouted, looking up towards the sky. We all followed her gaze and saw that the sky had our world hanging upside down, much like this world was doing in our own.

"Talk about weird." Tai said.

"Could that be Earth?" Matt wondered aloud.

"Mmhm, that's Earth all right." Moonmon said climbing onto my shoulder.

"How do you know that, Moonmon?" Yokomon asked.

"I can just feel it. That's the human world."

"That is a very good speculation, Moonmon." Izzy said, "We can see Earth from here as we can see the Digital world from Earth."

Just then, Hoe gasped when he noticed that his bag had disappeared. He began combing through the tall grass searching for it and the partner he left inside.

"Gomamon? Where are you?" He asked.

"Joe, I've been snoozing over here!" Gomamon shouted, popping out of the large duffel bag and revealing himself.

Joe smirked and began to stand up again, "Oh, then I guess we'll save the world without ya, then." Suddenly, I felt even colder than before. Joe shouted in surprise when something hit him in the face and the ground beneath his feet shifted.

"Joe!" Gomamon shouted in shock and fear.

Immediately our digimon digivolved to their rookie stages and rushed to attack whatever hit Joe, but....

"Hold on!" Kari shouted, stopping our digimon in their tracks. I then felt something hiding in the grass, shaking in fear.

Kari and I went to go see what was hiding. The small girl beside me crouched down and smiled nonthreateningly at whatever was hiding.

"C'mon out. You're among friends." She said calmly, "We won't hurt you. Don't be afraid."

"I promise that my friend here is telling the truth." I added, sitting on my knees and smiling, "Are you hurt? Is something wrong?"

I held out my hand and the little creature hiding in the grass slowly came out from the grass. It was a little maroon mouse digimon, but he seemed to be in really bad shape.

"It's you. The Digi-mage." He gasped before collapsing in front of me.

Palmon, who was right behind me, gasped when she saw the mouse digimon.

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