The Dark Network of Etemon

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"Child. Digi-mage of the digital world." A voice called to me. I sleepily woke up, sitting on my bed as the warm covers slipped off my shoulders.

I looked around my dark room and saw nothing that showed any signs of someone.

Shrugging my shoulders, I lay back to sleep.

"Digi-mage." The voice called again. Now I knew I wasn't hearing things.

I sat up straight in my bed looking around fearfully.

"Who's there?" I asked, my voice cracking a little as I swung my legs over the edge of my bed.

All of a sudden, I saw a bright light illuminating from my window. Curiosity took ahold of me and wanted to see more.

I grabbed my crutches from the head of my bed and headed towards my window/balcony.

I slid open the doors and walked onto my balcony, staring at the amazing lights above.

I smiled brightly as the lights shone upon me.

"Digi-mage, come with me." Just then, a blurred figure appeared before me. I had no idea what to think.

The figure was not really in the shape of a person, more like a cloud of sparkles that formed a hand and reached towards me.

I didn't know why at the time, but it felt like I was being drawn to this strange voice. I dropped my crutches and reached for the hand.

Then, there was a bright light and before I knew it, I was no longer in my own world.

"Raya, Raya. Come on, wake up! We made it to Server." My eyes cracked open when I heard Matt call my name. We had been traveling on Whamon for five days on our way to Server, and almost every night, I've had the saw dream as this one.

Although, I could never understand who called to me.

I yawned and stretched my arms out wide as I sat up on Whamon. Smiling as Tk rushed up to me with Poyomon in his arms.

"Hey, Raya. Good morning." He said cheerfully.

"Raya!" Luna said as she jumped onto my head, "Isn't this exciting? We're going to a brand new place in the digital world."

I laughed at her enthusiasm, "Yeah, I'm excited too."

I looked ahead and saw the large continent as everyone gazed in awe at the amazing sight.

It was so large and looked like it could house the United States. Whamon docked on the shore of a large beach and we all slid down onto the ground.

"Come one, Mimi!" Sora shouted to the girl, still on top of Whamon.

"Um, this is a little too extreme sports for me. Is there some way I could be airlifted onto the island?" Mimi asked.

"Come on, Mimi you've gotta live a little." I said cheerfully.

"She's right, Mimi, sorry we can't just move the continent for you." Izzy said, "Now, according to the map, this is the best beach to come ashore."

"Just put one foot in front of the other and you'll be find, really. It's as easy as falling off a log." Joe encouraged.

"Yeah, well I've fallen off plenty of logs and believe me it's not as easy as it looks!" She said as Whamon bounced himself a little, shaking Mimi and making her slide down.

Right on top of Izzy.

"Oh, I think I broke a nail." She said worryingly.

I laughed at her silly worry and held my hand out to help her up.

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