The Battle for Earth

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It was if my body was becoming lighter and stronger. My clothes changed into silver armor with a lavender tinted at the edges. My left leg was completely metal with strange digi text on it, and my right leg had the same type of armor as the rest of my body. My back was littered with large quills identical to Dianamon and a large crescent moon was one my right shoulder. Crescent moons sat on my legs with peaceful sleeping faces, and my head was covered in a silver helmet with a mask to cover the bottom half of my face. The only parts of me showing were my bright golden eyes and my long purple hair separated into four individual ponytails.

I was floating in the air next to my mega digimon partner, Dianamon, who looked over at me with a smile under her mask.

"What the heck just happened?" Izzy's mom asked.

Izzy typed on his computer and pulled up the profiles of the three new digimon.

"It's WarGreymon!" He exclaimed, "It says here that his attack is Terra Force. He gathers the energy around him and focusing it in the palm of his hand." The screen changed to show MetalGarurumon, "MetalGarurumon has his metal wolf claw attack. He shoots a powerful cold blast at his enemies then blows them to pieces." Finally, he scanned Dianamon, "And then Dianamon, shes as powerful as the two if not more powerful. She can handle both light and dark and with her Crescent Harken attack she makes the enemy see itself as the enemy so they carve themselves to pieces. Mega digimon! They digivolved into their mega digimon forms."

"That's great, 'cause we'll need them to defeat VenomMyotismon." Tentomon said.

Matt quickly scanned the area when he no longer felt my hand in his.

"Wait a second where's Raya?" He asked. Everyone quickly looked around on the ground, but Kari and Tk looked up to see me in Dianamon form floating next to my partner.

"She's up there!" Tk shouted.

"She looks amazing! Go get them Raya!" Kari shouted. I chuckled at their enthusiasm.

However, the Izumi parents seemed both confused and shocked by my transformation.

"That's Raya? But how?" Mr. Izumi asked in shock.

"It's complicated but long story short, she's a person called a Digi-mage. She has the ability to share and copy a digimon's power no matter their level, then take on their form and fight with their attacks." Izzy explained.

WarGreymon made the first move, flying up high into the air and covering himself in an orange glow and hitting VenomMyotismon full force in the stomach.

The monstrous digimon screamed in pain as he was pushed backwards and down into the ground.

"Way to go, WarGreymon! You creamed him!" Izzy shouted, "I think."

"Dianamon." I said. She nodded.

"I understand." She replied and we flew o er to VenomMyotismon who was just getting back up.

"Metal Wolf Claw!" MetalGarurumon shouted, several parts of his armor revealing several sets of rockets and missiles, to which he fired. The attack hit VenomMyotismon hard, freezing. The digimon in place.

Within seconds VenomMyotismon was covered in ice, frozen stiff and solid. All four of us landed on the ground to see the frozen enemy, but we didn't rest for too long.

In almost an instant, VenomMyotismon shook free from his frozen prison and growled in anger.

"It didn't work!" MetalGarurumon said.

"Your pitiful attempts to destroy me have failed!" VenomMyotismon shouted, "Now you will pay."

His eyes began to glow and he shot lasers from his eyes at us and everything around us. We flew away to avoid the beams and as I flew away, I noticed one of the destroyed buildings beginning to collapse, right next to the van the others were driving in.

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