Crest of Light. A Mage and Queen

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"How long do humans usually sleep, Tk?" Someone asked. I could recognize Gatomon's voice when she asked Tk her question, and right now, I felt light, and yet I was heavy.

"It's tough to say for sure, Gatomon." Tk answered, "But I guess anywhere between eight hours and eight years, give or take a minute or so."

"Wow, then considering how high their fevers are, we'd better get comfortable."

"I wish one of the older kids were here. They'd know how to wake them up." Suddenly, I felt something cold drip onto my face.

"Don't worry, Tk. They'll wake up I'm sure of it." I heard Luna reassure.

"Yeah. I'm sure you'll think of something." Gatomon said.

I heard a soft groan beside me and felt something shift around.

"See, I knew you'd think of something." Gatomon exclaimed.

"I'm still not sure that woke her." Someone gasped, "But I could be wrong."

"Hi, Kari."

Oh, so the person beside me was Kari? I'm glad she's all right.

"Hit the snooze button one more time. Please?" Kari asked, her voice still a little sleepy.

"You've slept enough. How do you feel?" Tk asked.

"I think my fever's gone. So how long was I alseep for?" Kari asked.

"Let's just say that when you fell asleep, I had nine lives and now I'm only down to three." Gatomon joked.

I felt Kari's body shift as she turned towards me, placing her hand on my shoulder to shake me awake.

"Raya, wake up. Wake up." She said, shaking me a little.

"She won't wake up." Luna said, "Her fever didn't go down too much."

Just then, I felt something warm reach my chest. It willed me to open my eyes. And so, I did.

I let the light around us fill my sense of sight as I finally woke up. My eyes fluttered open slowly as I looked up at the ceiling. It was grey and covered in graffiti.

"Raya!" Everyone exclaimed happily.

"Thank goodness you woke up." Luna said as she jumped onto my chest.

I smiled and sat up, yawning softly as I looked around. It seemed that we were on a sewer.

"What's going on, guys?" I asked.

"Don't you remember, Raya?" Tk asked, "Machinedramon attacked us and we fell down a hole. You two have been asleep all this time."

I gasped when I remembered what had happened. I clutched the crest around my neck and sighed with relief that Tk and Kari were all right.

"Hey, I think I hear Patamon." Tk said looking down the tunnel.

"I wonder if he's found anybody." Gatomon said.

Kari and I looked down the tunnel and saw Patamon flying next to two people.

"Who's that with Patamon?" Tk asked as the figures came into the light.

We smiled when we recognized our friends.

"It's Biyomon!" Gatomon exclaimed.

"And Sora!" Kari added.

Sora looked up at us and smiled happily.

"Kari, Raya, you're awake. You two look so much better." Sora said.

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