The Ninth Digivice

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We all docked near a secluded area on the banks and said our goodbyes. Matt walked with me down the streets, we loved close by each other so we had no trouble walking each other home.

Our walk was silent, the only sounds were of the cars passing by. I kept my head down, thinking about the strange tag and Crest that turned to dust in my hands. Why was it there? Who did it belong to? And who did it belong to?

Matt looked over at me with a concerned expression when he saw my troubled look. He put his hand on my shoulder and snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Matt?" I asked, "Is something wrong?"

"I should be asking you that." He said, "You've been in deep thought since we all began heading home. Is everything all right?"

I wasn't sure how to answer his question. How could I tell him that I saw the Crest and tag from the ninth child? So I didn't tell him.

I shook my head and smiled at him, "I just fine, Matt. Just thinking about Myotismon and the ninth child." I said.

Matt sighed and looked back forward, "Yeah, with everything going on you just can't help but think about what's going to happen to the ninth child if we don't find him or her first."

We both went silent again, just enjoying our walk towards our homes, until I felt something grab my hand.

I was surprised first a moment, looking down at my hand and seeing Matt's gloved hand covering mine.

I looked back up at Matt, who just kept staring forward, but with a little bit of pink dusting on his cheeks. This was the first time he held my hand like this for a while. It felt nice.

I looked down at the sidewalk, smiling softly at the soft and warm contact. We kept walking for about half an hour until we reached my apartment complex.

"Well, this is my stop." I said, I let go of Matt's hand and turned around to face him.

"Thanks a lot for walking me home, Matt. I'll see you tomorrow." He waved and I waved back, turning around and entering my apartment complex.

Matt stood outside for a moment, looking down at the hand he held mine in.

Tsunomon looked up confused by his partner's actions.

"Is something wrong Matt?" He asked, scaring him out if his trance.

"Uh... nothing, nothing's wrong, Tsunomon." Matt said, shaking his head and walking away.

Tsunomon ran to catch up with Matt and walked by his side.

"You seemed a little sad when Raya let go of your hand." Tsunomon said.

"No, it's all right." Matt said.

"You don't live too far away, do you? You can visit her, right?" Tsunomon asked.

"I know we live close to each other, but that doesn't mean I don't miss her when we leave each other."

Tsunomon hummed in thought then looked back up at his partner.

"Do you like Raya, Matt?" Matt suddenly stopped and almost dropped Tsunomon on the concrete sidewalk.

"What are you talking about?" Matt whispered loudly.

"Well, you're cheeks were a little pink and you looked sad when Raya let go of your hand. I just had a thought." Tsunomon said.

Matt's face turned bright red and he said not nothing more the rest of the way home.

I walked up the stairs to the fifth floor and down the hall to apartment 512. My home. It felt nice to see the old bronze numbers on the door and the emerald green door again. I felt like forever since I saw this door.

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