Our Battle

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We flew off to a barren landscape, then landed so we could take a look around on foot. I watched as Tk, Kari and their digimon went over to the edge of the cliff and built a small monument for the Numemon, honoring their sacrifice.

The others went up the hill nearby to scope out the surroundings. I stayed behind to keep an eye on Tk and Kari, just in case something happened.

However, as they built the monument, I felt something dark come our way.

"Thank you, Numemon. We'll never forget you." Kari said after they finished the monument, "You'll always be in our hearts and our memories.

"And don't worry, we'll make sure you get reborn in primary village." Tk added.

I smiled as the two of them stood up and walked back to me, grabbing my hands as we went to catch up with the others.

"That was a nice thing you two did for the Numemon." I said.

"Thanks, Raya." Kari said, "We thought it was the least we could do after they helped save us from Machinedramon."

"And now we have another reason to save the digital world. To get our friends reborn." Tk added.

I chuckled at their enthusiasm. It was nice to see them looking on the bright side even in this type of situation.

We walked up the hill and saw everyone gather around Izzy as he hooked his computer up to Andromon.

But what really caught my eye was the tall structure in the distance. It was rounded at the top, but completely black in color.

I could feel the darkness coming off of the structure, and I knew that a certain digimon was waiting.


"That's it, we're all ready." Izzy said as he began typing, snapping me from my thoughts and bringing me down to Izzy's computer screen.

"That's great, Izzy, but ready for what?" Tai asked.

"Just wait a minute and you'll see. Okay Andromon, show us your stuff."

"Engage heat conduction." Andromon said. He placed both hands on the ground and nothing happened. Well, nothing visible at least.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"It's actually quite simply, really." Izzy said, "Andromon is using geothermal energy conducted directly from the ground. "

We all looked down at the computer screen and saw a digital map of the structure in the distance.

"Way cool." Koromon said amazed by the digital map.

"Hey, that's Spiral Mountain, isn't it?" Biyomon asked.

"This is like having our own portable microwave." I sweat dropped at Tentomon's comment.

"See that's where we are right now. Right at the top." Izzy said pointing at the blinking red dot at the very top of Spiral Mountain.

But we were all confused about how we got to the top in first place.

"That doesn't make any sense. How did we get all the way up here?" Tai asked.

"I'm sure glad I can't see down. I don't like high places." Kari said with relief.

"It's like Chumon said, the most powerful Dark Master is way on top of Spiral Mountain." Tk recalled.

"See, I told you we were close." Sora said.

"Well give you a medal later." Tai groaned.

I smiled, but then felt something dark head our way. I quickly pushed Kari and Tk behind me, tapping into Luna's power and changing my form.

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