Rise of MetalGreymon

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"Raya, it is important not to be caught by digimon who want your power." Gennai said concerningly.

"Why Gennai?" A younger me asked curiously.

"Because, your power is special. It can help save the digital world when darkness falls upon it. But, it can also make digimon powerful enough to destroy this world if they were to somehow absorb it."

"Then why was I chosen? Shouldn't someone stronger hold such a power? I'm not exactly the best choice." I gestured to my prosthetic leg.

Gennai chuckled and stopped walking, making me stop as he knelt dowm in front of me.

He placed his hands on my shoulders and smiled, "Raya, you are more worthy to hold this power than any of the future digidestined. Your virtue is ome of the most powerful, it brings together so much."

I stared at the old man, completely confused by what he meant by virtue.

"What's my virtue?" I asked, "and who are the digidestined?"

"The digidestined you've already met, and your virtue is..."




My eyes shot wide open when I heard someone shout my name. My breathing was labored and my brow covered in sweat. And a familiar warm feeling erupted in my chest. There was crest nearby.

"Raya, talk to me are you okay?" I heard the voice again coming from my left. I turned towards the voice and saw Sora laying on a metal table next to me, strapped down so she couldn't move.

"Sora?" I asked my mouth dry. She smiled with relief.

"Oh, Raya, thank goodness you're awake." She said.

I smiled and sighed. I tried to move my arms but I found them strapped onto the surface I lay on. A metal table identical to Sora's.

"It's about time you woke up." I heard a familiar electronic voice say, "I was getting impatient."

I twisted my head to look behind me and I saw Datamon typing away at a computer.

"Why did you take us, Datamon? Let us go!" I demanded.

"What? Let the Digi-mage free? Ha! No way will that ever happen. It's not everyday that you can examine the child who holds so much power at her finger tips."

Sora and I looked around and saw our digimon braced against the wall, unconscious and unmoving.

"What did you do to our digimon?" Sora asked.

"Do not worry. They're merely exhausted from the excitement. They'll be fine when I use them in my plan to defeat Etemon."

"Biyomon can't digivolve without me and I'd rather be stuck in a sewer full of rats than help you!"

"Same goes for me! Let us go now!" I yelled.

"Good then, I'll remember you said that." Datamon turned back around and pressed a few keys on his keyboard.

All of a sudden, an orange light appeared above Sora.

I turned my head towards my right and saw a single table with the same colored light as the one over Sora.

"What are going to do to us?" I asked angrily.

"Do not worry." Datamon said. The orange light over Sora passed over her body quickly, stopping above her feet.

Digimon Adventure: A Yamato love storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें