I wasn't exactly sure how I was going to play this out but I was going to make the wedding scene very grim-like in detail to give you guys a hint that things weren't going to end up so peachy. Lorenzo had previously shut down The Catalona the day of the wedding for privacy which was his fatal mistake. 

While everyone is downstairs seated for the wedding, Veronica has a moment with her sister, kissing her good luck and saying she is happy for her (which she is). Victoria asks for a moment to herself as Veronica obeys her wishes and heads outside to the garden. Victoria puts down her bouquet of flowers and stares at herself in the mirror once again as she rubs her baby bump whispering sweet nothings to herself. A slender figure stands at a distance from Victoria. A beautiful brunette dressed in all black comes into view startling Victoria. The brunette stares at Victoria's baby bump and engagement ring. Victoria is freighted by the stranger as she backed her up into wall. Questioning who she is and what does she want from her. The brunette smiles and identifies herself as Carmella and tells Victoria that she wants she and her baby dead. Victoria makes a run for it as she exits the room hoping to run into someone for help but remembers everyone is downstairs. Carmella pushes Victoria down the staircase before popping a bullet into Victoria's stomach causing her to bleed out right there on the floor of the hotel lobby.

Stefano's crew surrounds the entire Catalona as a shootout occurs in the garden where the wedding was suppose to be taking place. Most of Lorenzo's men are able to react fast but are largely outnumbered when Lorenzo realizes Stefano has joined forces with Yuri. Marco gets shot in the arm trying to cover Jenny and Veronica is grazed by a bullet before being pulled to safety by Gigi. Alessia kills Yuri just to be shot dead by a random henchman in the process.

Lorenzo's mind is going crazy as he barges inside in attempt to find Victoria when he sees Carmella about to escape. He lunges after the brunette yanking her back and demanding to know what she did to Victoria. She laughs in his face and says she did what she was told to do, Lorenzo looks forward to see Victoria in a puddle of her own blood, not moving. Without thinking he did something he should have done the first time and strangled Carmella to death. 

Dropping Carmella's lifeless body on the grown he hurried over to Victoria holding her body close to his hoping that she and the baby was still alive. Thomas and Gigi burst inside the Catalona with the surviving others saying they had to leave immediately. A black SUV pulled up at front loading everyone inside as Arturo drove as face as he could to an unmarked safe house while the rest of the men fought til their death. Stefano watched with a smile on his face knowing he had won again. He loved making Lorenzo Catalona's life a living nightmare. 

The Birthday Ball Massacre occurred on Lorenzo's twenty-third birthday where allies and prominent figures of Italy and Europe were gathered around in a celebration. Stefano's gang decided to attack this ball in order to become the most feared mafia in Europe. Stefano killed the head of the Catalona, Luca Catalona, who was Lorenzo's father and many others. Stefano wouldn't stop until he saw the Catalona name fall into the ground. He didn't want to kill Lorenzo personally but wanted to kill his spirit instead, weaken him emotionally, mentally incapacitate him, hence why he put Carmella in his life at such a young age. 

Victoria was able to wake up after a few days after being treated by a private physician, She later found out the baby hadn't survived and was forced to have a c-section while she was knocked out. It was a boy. 

Lorenzo was the first person she saw when she woke up. He didn't know how to explain the disaster and Victoria herself didn't know how to cope with this level of loss and destruction. Victoria begins to go into a psychosis and is forced to be baker acted. Veronica is the only person Victoria trusts and demands to go back home in America. 

Reluctantly Lorenzo lets her go as he tries to hold on from lashing out in pure rage and heat of his emotions. He knows if he keeps Victoria against her will any longer she will not be able to heal properly and will soon begin to resent him. He sends them both on his private jet back to D.C. 

Victoria doesn't mention what really happened to her family and Veronica respects her wishes. Victoria goes through an extremely rough patch and even joins a support group to mourn the loss of her child and has reoccurring nightmares of the tragedy. She doesn't want to speak or be in any form of contact with those from Italy. Victoria spends most of her days in the darkness of her own heart. 

Almost a year goes by and Lorenzo has officially gone mad back in Italy by acting irrationally, bitter, and going out on drunken splendors. Marco, Thomas, and Gigi are seriously worried for him as he has hasn't even acknowledged that Victoria has left him or even his child's death. When having a heart to heart with Gigi he admits that he has failed his loved ones once again by not being able to protect them, knowing he is not in control is his greatest fear. 

Lorenzo opens up an old plan for revenge when Marco calls in Mama Catalona out of hiding to help Lorenzo. I wanted to introduce the spitfire mother who raised Lorenzo into the man he is today( I thought about adding her character to be apart of the wedding ambush but didn't want her to get out of hiding just to go back if you know what I mean lol) Lorenzo listens to his mother's advice allowing himself to connect with his repressed feelings, that same night he goes in after Stefano's hidden headquarters outside of Milan where he personally slits his throat from ear to ear finally putting an end to Stefano for good. 

Gigi talks to Marco and Thomas who reach out to Veronica in hopes of rekindling Lorenzo and Victoria back. Lorenzo becomes hopeful but Victoria isn't open to the idea at all. Against Veronica's suggestions, Lorenzo flies out to the states hoping that he himself could communicate his feelings to her and not go through anymore he said, she said with the others. Lorenzo would borderline almost stalked Victoria as she paid absolutely no regard to him, especially since he would stick out like a sore thumb. 

After some time, the little things Lorenzo would do for Victoria such as pick up her groceries, love letter in her mailbox and such was heartwarming enough. Lorenzo didn't check on her as much as he use to allowing her the freedom that she wanted, what she craved for and now she could finally breathe. He also began to dress like an average man and didn't stick out as much as he use to with his expensive wear. Victoria finally allowed him inside her apartment to talk, she was still very much shaken at the tragic turn of events at what was suppose to be their wedding and only agreed to be with him IF he dropped out of the mafia business for good. 

This was music to Lorenzo's ears, he would have ran to the moon and back , anything it took just for Victoria to be in his arms. With Stefano out the picture and all of Italy on his good side, it was very much possible for him to do so. 

I wanted to end the story with an epilogue of Lorenzo and Victoria, years into the future of them living in their beautiful home in the Italian vineyards outside of Rome with their daughter Alessia (Victoria named her after the original Alessia) having a huge family dinner for Republic Day inviting over Marco and Jenny with their twin sons, Gigi and her partner Safia, Veronica and Thomas with their baby boy and an older teenaged Destiny. I wanted to conclude The Silent Storm with Destiny meeting a boy related to the Cappelli's (Marco and Gigi) named Leonardo who takes her life by storm. (If you have read my other story After Midnight, is kinda of a little crossover idea i had in mind lol) 

I just wanted to say thank you again so much for sticking around!!!!! I came up with the idea for this story when i was fourteen and wrote it when i was fifteen and now I'm nineteen. Its been a wild journey i must say. Hopefully this gives you guys the closure you were looking for.

Any questions/unresolved issues i haven't touched please leave a comment here where i will answer them :)

It's been a pleasure :)

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