Chapter 3 ||

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Jayden at the top ^^^

Lucas Pov:

"What you want?" I said looking at Trilla across from the other side of this glass.

"You ready to get out, ain't it?" He said with a chuckle but had a serious look on his face.

"You know I am." I said leaning back in my seat. "What you want though? You know I don't want nobody visiting me but my family." I said then he shook his head.

"I thought I was still yo family." He said. "But for real, promise me you won't do no stupid shit when I tell you what the fuck is going on." He said with a sigh.

"Bruh if it's about Paige, I already know. I'm letting her do what the fuck she want but once I come out this place she's all mines." I said then he shook his head.

"Naa bra, it's about Tiara." He said. Now he had my full attention.

"What the fuck she doing?" I said automatically getting mad. I hate that I'm locked up in this bitch and can't be the father figure in her life as she grow.

"How long you got left in here?" He questioned.

"A couple of weeks. I told yo ass this the other day, now tell me what the fuck is going on before it really be a problem." I snapped.

"Lucas calm the fuck down, I'm not Finn tell yo ass shit if you acting like that. You gotta couple weeks left, so don't do no stupid shit." He said back then I calmed down.

"I went over to Paige's house because she wanted me to bring Tiara a pizza so her brothers wouldn't come in bothering her to feed them and shit when they got off the bus. But I had some dude in the back and when I walked in the room he was choking her. So I w-" He said but I cut him off.

"Quit playing with me, Tiara ain't gone let a nigga put his hands on her and Paige ain't finn be letting her have niggas in the house." I said hoping his ass playing even though that ain't some shit to play about.

"On my cousin grave bruh, and then Tiara be giving this nigga money. Not 20$ but big cash. Giving him a couple of hundreds and shit. I wasn't even gone tell you til I went back over there yesterday and the nigga was just chilling on the couch like I didn't catch his ass beating on her." He said.

"So Paige be letting niggas come over there?" I questioned.

"I guess so, don't do nothing stupid please bra." He begged.

"I'm not, I appreciate you telling me about this fucked up shit. Imma put all that shit in check today." I said.

Paige Pov:

"Hey boo." I said into the phone.

"Where you at?" Lucas questioned.

"At home sitting in the living room." I said cutting the tv down.

"You know one thing I don't play about is damn kids bruh, why the fuck Tiara be having niggas over there? Paige please don't make me hurt yo ass." He snapped catching me all the way off guard.

"Lucas calm down, I only be letting the dude she going to prom with come over here. That's like her best friend, it ain't nothing like that. Now I'm offended that you even thinking like that, like I would really be letting her do what the fuck she want." I said back into the phone.

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