Chapter 1 ||

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Paige Pov:

"Pooh, get yo ass up damn." I snapped. I been trynna wake this girl up for the longest. She had to be at work and I had to be at work and she wanna sleep.

"I don't wanna go." She complained flipping over in the bed.

"If you stay home, you gone have to clean up this whole house. And I mean it better be spotless because if it don't, you won't be having company for a whole week." I snapped. She having that senioritis mood, but hell that's exactly how I was when I was a senior. Her grades are so good, that some days I do let her stay home just because I know she gone work hard to keep her grades up unlike her brothers. All Chance ass do is fight in school, Omeretta had to send his bad ass off so much and all Jr do in school is be the class clown. I can't even speak too much on Kensley because I haven't seen nor heard from her in years.

"Thank you mama, I love you." She said then turned over in the bed.

"I love you too, bae." I said then walked out.

"You ready Lucas Jr?" I yelled out then he came out to the hallway already hyper.

"I been ready." He said jumping around.

"Did you brush your teeth? I hate getting in the car and yo breath be smelling like straight ass." I said then he nodded his head.

"Yes mama, can we go now?" He said then we headed out.


"Lasagna or spaghetti?" I questioned Pooh over the phone.

"Neither, Jayden said steak and potatoes." Pooh said back.

"So you must want Steak and potatoes too, huh?" I questioned.

"Yes, please." She said back.

"Okay, shrimp too?" I questioned.

"You know it. Can you make some cinnamon rolls, too? Jr been talking bout them ever since he came home from school, I'm bout to hurt this lil boy." She said causing me to laugh a lil.

"Anything else chyle?" I questioned.

"Jayden said buy some fruit roll ups talking bout a bedroom snack for you." She said then I smacked my lips.

"Bye crazy asses." I said then hung up the phone.


"Ooo it smells good in here." Omeretta said walking in my house with Chance behind her.

"Hey y'all." I said as she shut the door behind them.

"Shiddd family night?" Omeretta said with a lil laugh.

"I mean, y'all here so why not?" I said then she followed me to the kitchen.

"How you holding up?" She questioned.

"Good, I guess." I said with a sigh then she dug in her purse and pulled out her wallet.

"Pooh called me the other day, she told me that Tone asked her to prom." She said.

"I wonder why she haven't told me yet?" I said confused, she usually tells me everything first.

"She said she scared to tell you about it because you do so much for her and that prom is expensive. But anyways she asked me to help her out, but you know I can't help her by myself because of the situation I'm in but we got until April, it's only November." She explained.

"All I wanted was her to feel comfortable enough to ask me for anything. I mean hell, I'm not working for nothing." I said then Pooh walked in.

"You told her, didn't you?" She questioned Retta.

"You know I can't do this all on my own Pooh." Retta said.

"You know what? It's fine, I can just save up my checks and do this prom shit on my own. It was a reason why I didn't tell her and you still told her. And you wonder why I don't ask you for nothing, it's because you always gotta run to Paige first." She said then walked out.

"I'll talk to her later." I said with a sigh.

"If only Lucas was here to deal with her attitude." Retta said shaking her head.

"If Lucas was here she wouldn't be like she is, she just miss her daddy." I said then Retta agreed with me.


"I got school in the morning, can you let me sleep?" Pooh said as I came in her room.

"Girl, it's 9 something. Hush." I said getting beside her in her bed.

"Before Lucas left he told me, he want his baby to get a car on her 16th birthday, he want her to experience prom, he want her to graduate, he want her to go to college, and he want her to get surprises every once in a while because she is so special and she deserve it." I said then stopped to wipe my tears that was already falling, speaking on Lucas just made me miss him even more.

"And you know what I'm doing? I made a checklist and marking everything one by one, I got you your car at 16, and prom is a must. Don't ever be scared to ask me for nothing, out of all people why would Lucas leave you with me? It's because he knows I'll go all out my way for you like a mother supposed to. Pooh I look at you like you're my own child, I want you to be comfortable to tell me things. I want you to go to prom, I wouldn't get frustrated because that's more money, honey I have been saving up just for that day for you. You can come to me about anything, you car broke? I'll get it fixed. Need a new phone? I got you. Wanna go out of town? How much you need? I work all day, just so you can do whatever with no worries of going broke. The money you make at your job is for you to go out with friends and shit. I got the expensive stuff." I explained.

"It's just the fact that you don't have to do none of the shit that you do for me because I'm not yours, like one day you can just give up on me and I don't want to give you an hard time knowing that this is your choice. You can wake up tomorrow and feel like a whole different person, you're not gonna wanna keep taking care of a child that's not yours especially if she's needy like me." She said as I wiped her tears.

"Tiara, I am your mother by heart. This shit ain't a choice, I look at you as my child. I would never give up on you, I mean never. Trust and believe imma still be around when you hit your 30's. I wouldn't even be satisfied until I know you're straight, get comfortable because I'm here for life and don't ever be hesitate to ask me for nothing. The only thing I ask for you is to not get pregnant in my damn house." I said in a joking tone at the end.

"I love you mama." She said hugging me.

"I love you more." I said hugging her back.

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