She let out a huff and went back to drawig in her note book, Mr hale glanced at me again before turning to the board writing some stuff down and talkig about the lesson.

Scott nudged me out of my starig and I glared at him "Dude you are totally stripping him with your mind" he chuckled out and I frowned at him kicking him under the table, I grinned watching him topple to the floor

he had his lopsided grin on his face as Mr Hale frowned at us "do i need to give detentions on my first day?" he questioned us,

Scott pulled himself up and sat back on the seat, we both gave a sheepish grin "No Sir" We said together, I lay my head on my arms and watched Mr Hale teach the lesson a small smile stuck on my lips

Scott punched my shoulder seeing as i completely missed the bell, everyone had packed up and was getting ready to leave, I sat up and looked at him rubbing my arm "what"

"dude it's lunch you coming" I nodded and started packing

"I'll catch up" I said putting my stuff in my bag and Scott nodded walking out the classsoom, everyone else had left and I looked over to our teacher "Derek!" I hiffed out

"Yes Stiles?" he smiled shutting the door before walking over to me "Did you actually listen to the lesson Stiles" he said raising an eyebrow at me

I raised my eyebrow back at him "what do you think? you never told me you was coming to work here" I said turning to face him putting my bag on the table

He chuckled wrapping his arms around my waist "I told you I got a teaching job" I huffed slightly and placed a kiss on his cheek he chuckled and pulled back a bit to place a soft kiss to my lips "I miss you when you're at school" I chuckled and leaned into him wrapping my arm around his neck

I held onto him then groaned into his neck "oh my god, now im going to have to try and not get jealous at how everyone is saying my boyfriend is so hot" He chuckled again and kissed my again

"go get lunch your friends are waiting" He pecks me on the lips and heads back to the front desk grabbing his brief case as I grab my stuff, he opens the door for me I quickly give him a peck on the cheek as we leave and I head for the cafeteria while he heads to the teachers lounge

Scott is staring at me as i take a seat next to him with my tray of food a huge smile on my face "Dude what took so long, what got you in such a good mood"

I grinned at him and ate some fries before speaking "I recharged, that's all"

Lydia is staring at me from the opposite side of me, thanks to her I am openly gay, She is also the inly one that knows Derek is my boyfriend, I tensed up seeing the mischievous grin that spread wide on her lips "Stiles what do you think about our new chemistry teacher?"

"Stiles says no one is hotter then his man even if he was totally oogling him all lesson" Scott chimed in, my jaw dropped open at him and Lydia.... well Lydia actually giggled at this

"i'm gonna tell him" she giggles out, I shook my frantically "i'm telling your boyfriend you are totally eye-raping the new chemistry teacher"

"Lydia!!!" i whined out and she continued to giggle, Scott was staring at me I looked at him "what!?" I huffed out at him

He had a pout "Lydia has met him but not me"

I groaned "she wasn't meant to, she walked in on our date when we where in a restaurant" I whined and continued eating, then i froze "Oh my god Jackson!"

he looked at me from his conversation with danny qnd lydia chuckled "it's ok Stiles he won't tell anyone, will you Jax" Jackson looked at her confused for a moment "about Stiles boyfriend idiot, jeez"

"oh that, that will depend on Stilinski's choice of annoyance level" She kicked him and I grinned at him as he huffed an "alright I promise I won't tell"

Before Scott could argue about them knowing the bell rang, I listened to him whine as we made our way to coaches class of economics oh the fun.

for the next 4 weeks thats how it went, class, sneak time with Derek the start of lunch, show up late, Lydia tease me while Scott whined about not meeting my boyfriend, and getting jealous of the amount of people fawning over the man i love so much, but I trust him because everytime the tried he told them he was completely happy with the person he was with, and they had no chance getting with him. I may or may not have got into a fake fight with Jackson, THANK YOU LYDIA, just to get a bunch of girls off him while he broke us up, it lead to a small detention of him just complaining that we couldn't keep fighting, he even pointed out that he knew it was to get him away from the others who where flirtig with him, and Jackson faked a gag and left when Derek gave me his much needed reassuring kiss, I don't know when or if I'll tell Scott before we graduate because he has the loudest mouth ever and Derek being my teacher now wont be good for him since I'm his student and it could get him into trouble and i don't want that, I love him to much to get him hurt

just a bunch of Sterek fluff (oneshots?)Where stories live. Discover now