''No this isn't some 'sick fucking joke' to me but the last thing i need is a bunch of idiot's who came from god knows where to do god knows what and screwing up my god damn plans!''

I had said more then i wanted to, not even Wil knew what i was up to but hearing what he said and the anger i was suddenly vomiting out words i would normally have kept under lock and key. 

North seemed to take a step back in surprise, at my words or my own anger i wasn't so sure about.

''What plan's exactly?''

It was Kota that spoke, his intense green eyes looking at me as though i was some sort of puzzle he was trying to work out. I turned my head away from them, if they weren't going to be up for sharing then why should I?

''How about this....''

My attention turned to Axel who spoke, like Owen his face was still void of emotion.

''Sit down and to make it fair, we ask you a question, you ask us a question...and we both will answer truthfully''

I watched Owen turn to Axel disapproval at Axel's words but before he could speak Axel simply waved him off and spoke once more.

''She took atleast two beatings for us Owen, if that doesn't prove we can trust her then nothing will, besides i'm sure you want to learn more about what Sang's 'plans' are, perhaps we will be able to help each other out...''

Silence filled the air as the two men in obvious charge had a silent eye conversation before Owen's stern grey eyes turned to me and he gave a small stiff nod.

''Very well...how does that sound Miss Sang?''

I thought on it for a second, could i trust them? they didn't seem like bad people and i had known there was more to them from the beginning and as Axel had mention, they may be able to help.

''Very well....but you tell one lie, and trust me i will know, i will have you all thrown out this circus before you can blink''

My threat hung heavy in the air for a few moments before North gave a small grunt and held out his hand causing me to glance between his face and the hand in confusion.

''You can sit with me and Raven, you look like you're ready to fall down Sang Baby''

His voice was softer and the anger he had directed at me had disappeared but i wasn't sure if i should sit with him and the Russian especially since they seemed the angriest even if that anger wasn't directed at me but before i can decline his offer and find another spot North's firm hand was already gently around my wrist as he pulled my body with care that you would never think could be given from a male like him as he led me towards the seat where he had been sitting and within a blink had me caged inbetween him and Raven,

Well i guess this will be where i'm sitting then.

''After this Little Bird you will give me names and i will hurt those bastards who laid hand on you''

I ignored the Russian's words, my eyes staying focused on Axel and Owen sat a few feet away in front of me.

''So who exactly are you guys?''

Axel raised his eyebrow slightly before a small smirk formed on his lips.

''I guess you'll be going first then, to answer your question we are a government team of sorts...''

I wanted to ask what he meant by this but didn't want to interrupt when i was finally getting answers.

''We work for an organisation called The Academy, we do what police,CIA,FBI or whoever can't, we take down dangerous people when no one else can, we gather information on places to help other organisations take them down, we are Government but at the same time we rent, The Academy as far as anyone is aware does not exist, i am not willing to divulge in much more then that about The Academy.''

''What does a non...''

Axel held up a finger shaking his head the smirk still on his lips. 

''It's our turn now, what exactly did you mean by plans?''

Look's like i wasn't the only one asking the hard hitting questions first. I placed my finger below my lip as i thought on what to tell them, i wasn't going to lie i just had to work out how to make the questions stretch out so i could have more of my question's answered.

''Hendrick's and McCoy have started getting involved in drugs, something called Gigglepig, i'm trying to gather information to get them arrested and out of here for good.''

Axel and Owen looked towards each other doing that non verbal communication with each other again before turning their attention back to me.

''What exactly is this mission of yours?''

This time it was Owen who answered.

''We were sent to investigate,  after a someone sent us the name of this circus before disappearing, in possible involvement with a new drug, a long string of robberies and murders''

I blinked in surprise, murders? who else had Hendrick's and McCoy murdered? Owen must've noticed why i was a surprised and asked me a question i had hoped to avoid completely.

''You seem surprised not at the fact there has been murders but that it's plural....who have they killed that you are aware off?''

I felt the tension in the room from all the boy's no doubt having multiple scenarios on how i would answer this question, none of the good, after all how would you know about a murder and still be alive if you had not played a part in it?

I looked away for a second my heart feeling as though it was being squeezed as i finally spoke the words i hadn't spoken to anyone.

''Adrik....Hendricks and McCoy killed Adrik....''

My voice was so quiet i was surprised anyone would be able to hear me but with the deathly silence that followed my words i knew they had all heard.

''Why did they kill Adrik?''

I glanced up surprised the soft voice had came from Owen, i hadn't even cared that it was my turn to ask a question, i was strangely glad to finally tell someone...anyone what really happened that night. I closed my eyes for a second to stop the tears that threatened to escape as i let out a long small breath before opening my eyes again and glancing between Owen and Axel.

''He was going to get me out of here...i don't know how but he said he had found a way but somehow those bastards found out and the next evening i held the only person i truly cared about, the closest thing i had to a father...to a family die in my hands, they said it was a sickness, wouldn't go much into detail and i believed them but a few days later i overheard McCoy talking to Hendrick's...gloating about poisoning Adrik for trying to steal their property''

My hands had gripped tightly on my knee's, i hadn't even fully realised i was gripping my knee's until my left hand had been pulled away from my knee my eyes turning to the furious Russian beside me, but despite the fury he held i could see the compassion in his eyes, his sympathy for what had happened.

''Little Bird we will help you avenge Adrik, we will work together to strike those bastards and i promise you i will let them feel the exact amount of pain and more that they gave you''

Though i hardly knew him i knew then and there in my heart i could trust these men because Raven's eyes shone with nothing but truth as he spoke, i could see he wanted nothing more now then to do exactly as he said, to make these men suffer as much as i and anyone else have at their hands.

Let's hope i'm not making a mistake here in listening to my heart.

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