
Hisayo continued to sit up in bed with the support of her pillows and had occupied herself with staring at the clouds slowly moving by her windows. Akio opened the door and walked through; taking up the seat that Kakashi had sat in earlier and gave a sad frown.

“I’m sorry that I couldn’t get there to stop any of it in time.”

“You did what you could sensei. It was my fault for not sending word sooner. I should have the moment I found out that I would have to pass through that land. I’m sorry for losing control.” Hisayo looked down to her hands in her lap.

It had been a long time since she last lost control from removing more than one cuff and she felt ashamed for not being able to keep control like she had done so many times before in the past. It must have been the clan’s blood that had set her off like that.

“It’s alright Hisayo. You are not at fault, however I doubt that the clan with see it that way.”

Hisayo quickly looked up to her sensei. “So then do you think they will come here?”

“If they know that we are now part of the Land of Fire and Konoha, then I doubt they will try anything.” Akio reasoned.

“In any case, I think I’ve lost any hope of the clan accepting me now. Losing control the first time around the clan back then was bad enough, but now…” Hisayo grew very quiet.

“Hisayo, if you fight hard enough, if you never give up, then there will always be hope. In time, the clan will understand, but right now we must focus on Konoha. We must work hard to make sure they understand. The Hokage will want a full report once everyone involved in that mission returns.”

“Does that mean that everyone knows?” 

“As far as your team goes, Jiro is the only one that knows. The Genin had moved the caravan far enough away that they could not see what had happened.”

“And the rest of the group that had been with you when you arrived?”

“The only one they assured would be to know from them is the Hokage, once they make their report. They will not breathe a word of it to anyone else.” Akio crossed his arms in his sleeves and looked out the window.

“I see.” Hisayo gripped her covers in her lap and closed her eyes.

She became worried of the reaction the Hokage would have over what she was. She knew that he understood of Naruto and what he was, but what about her? She was something completely different than the nine-tails. She could almost feel herself trembling.

A warm and gentle hand place itself on her head. She opened her eyes and looked up. Akio looked down to her and gave a warm smile.

“Everything will be alright Hisayo. I’m here, so don’t be afraid. Now, I must leave back to the academy.” Hisayo felt her trembling body start to calm down. She gave a deep sigh and relaxed.

“Thank you, sensei.” Akio smiled and quietly left the room.


Naruto stood true to his word and returned to see Hisayo again as soon as his day at the academy was over.

“I’m back, Hisayo-san!” Naruto cheerfully hollered. As soon as he stopped at her bed he gave a stifling chuckle that Hisayo knew all too well.

“Who did you get this time?” She asked sternly.

Naruto pointed to the doorway and Hisayo’s eyes followed. She couldn’t help but bite at her thumb to keep from chuckling. Akio stood in the doorway, covered head to toe in syrup and feathers.

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