Season 2: Chapter 3 - Pt 1

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“Hey, why didn’t you do anything to stop that envoy jerk earlier?” Genma glanced over to Kakashi who stayed crouched on the branch as he continued to keep watch from the shadows.

The small campfire below caused the shadows to dance around. The grass ninja as well as the attendants for Yukio were down below, surrounding Yukio in a protective formation, while he comfortably slept, in a fancy sleeping roll. For the moment, the four had split with Kakashi and Genma staying close, while the area was scouted for any threats by Hisayo and Raido, though they weren’t exactly scouting together.

“Hisayo can take care of herself. She doesn’t need to be helped every time someone new comes around and tries to socialize.” Kakashi answered, giving a reason that he hoped would convince him.

“That’s a big lie if I’ve ever heard one.” Genma trampled on Kakashi’s excuse. “You and I—hell, everyone knows that you wouldn’t simply leave her to herself like that. You’re always watching out for her, even when you don’t think you are. You can’t stop with the staring, no matter how discreet it is. You can’t stop looking over your shoulder or around corners wondering if maybe she’s in a tight spot and needs you to bail her out. Like with Guy—”

“Genma.” Kakashi tried to stop Genma’s rant, even if it was for his best interest.

“Shut up man and listen. Why can’t you just do something about this so you’ll stop ripping yourself in two? You either are just her friend with no intentions of starting something, or you want to be there for her as more than that. It’s obvious she’s more open and comfortable around you. No one gets her to smile or talk as much as when she’s with you.”

“It’s complicated. You wouldn’t understand.”

“Ah, the age old excuse. It can’t be that complicated, just be upfront with her and see what happens.”

“I assume you’re a pro then?” Kakashi’s bored, yet somehow sarcastic voice sounded in the dark.

“Have you ever not seen me work my magic and get the girl? I could totally help you out with your problem.” Kakashi didn’t have to see Genma’s face to know the guy was smirking.

Kakashi sighed, feeling very irritated over the topic that had been repeatedly brought up over the past couple of years. His silent prayer to have the conversation end was answered in the form of a white wolf jumping up into the tree that Genma and he had been posted in for watch.

“I’ve scouted within a two mile radius; there’s nothing out there that might cause trouble, and the only foreign scents in the area are ours, the Grass, and the envoy and his group of attendants.”

It took Genma a moment to realize that the four-legged animal’s silhouette and voice, was Hisayo. His eyes hardened a bit when he realized that Raido still wasn’t back within the same time-frame as Hisayo.

“Where’s Raido?”

“He was annoying, so…I ate him. I guess that meal will have to tide me over for now.” Hisayo said in a flat tone of voice, gaining a rare, spastic response from Genma.

“Y-you did what?” The senbon nearly fell from his mouth as he stuttered with wide eyes.

“Just joking.” Hisayo calmly informed, to which Kakashi gave a small chuckle.

“That wasn’t very nice Hisayo. I think you’ve nearly given Genma a heart attack.”

“I was just trying to liven things up a bit.” The wolf’s ears flicked backwards a tiny bit.

“So, where is Raido, really?” Genma was now back to his normal composure.

“He said he was going to set up some kind of alarm system to go off if anyone or anything passes through.”

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