Season 2: Chapter 11

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She had heard the sounds of fighting in the direction she had already been heading in.

‘Satoru…is he fighting someone?’ She had wondered as she sped up.

The scent had grown stronger and she was able to pick up on the scent of blood now.

‘I know this scent...’ Her mind quickly went through a list of the many shinobi she knew in Konoha, and her eyes flickered in recognition. ‘Anko…’

Two years ago, when she first arrived in the village with Akio, the Hokage had them fight. Hayate and Anko had been their opponents, and after the fight, she rarely did see Anko; only the other—her now friend—Hayate. She couldn’t say anything more about the kunoichi though—just that she recognized her.

When she finally did arrive, she was hit by an uneasy air. She had stopped on a branch several feet away, and looked down at the scene; and what she saw, greatly confused her. She saw a man of pale skin and with long black hair. He turned his head towards her slightly, with a look of dark amusement.

This man…he was not Satoru.

‘This scent…it this really…?!’ Her mind raced, as she tried to piece together the events of yesterday. ‘The chakra signature Ken had reacted so negatively to…I had thought it might be Satoru’s, but…it hadn’t crossed my mind that…that it could be…’ A frightening thought then struck her, ‘Had he been there to observe me?!’ She tried to calm her nerves and mind, and think things through more rationally, ‘But if he had been there to watch me, then why show up at today’s second stage of the Chunin Exams? And why is Anko here? Does she know what is going on?’ 

“Ah, something else I have been wanting…” He smoothly said; Hisayo thoughts were cut off and she swallowed uncomfortably at the sound of his voice.

“Finally I get so see with my own eyes…” His eyes then locked with hers, and she flinched heavily in sudden fear of seeing them.

‘Eyes of a snake…!’ If there had been any doubt of who the man before her was, then it was perfectly clear to her now.

“My magnificent beast!”

Hisayo crouched slightly and brought her hand around to one of her kodachi strapped behind her back. Her hands shook and a nervous sweat was rolling down her face. ‘Why?’ She asked herself with a frustrated growl, ‘Why am I so afraid?!’ She had never felt a fear like she was feeling now; not even when she had faced her clan and Satoru.

“What made it even more unsettling was that I didn’t know exactly why I was so afraid…”

She was now at Ken’s level…she understood how it could cause someone like him to panic. The feeling was so intense, just as he had said.

‘But I can’t give into it…Anko looks to be hurt,’ She managed to observe despite her shaken state, ‘and Satoru might be lurking around. I need to keep a high alert just in case…’

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