Season 2: Chapter 10

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The day of the Exams started and several numbers of Genin from all over began to enter the designated building for the first part. The air was filled with chatter from both the villagers and the participants as both parties were anxious, nervous, and excited to see how the different hidden villages’ Genin would all fair. There were many keeping tabs on the groups of Genin that continued to go inside the building. Even from within the building, the Genin were being secretly watched by Konoha shinobi.

For many of the more advanced and stronger Genin, they could tell that they were; the hair on the back of their necks raising slightly and giving them a tingling sensation that warned of hidden sentinels. For all they knew, a few of the Genin that they were finding themselves to be grouped with, could very well be a highly skilled Chunin, Jounin, or Anbu member.

Ken and Hisayo could be grouped in with those that chose to keep watch, hidden from view. They stationed themselves in one of the more secluded rooms that was down the hall from the entrance of the building. If they wanted, they could peer out, unseen, and watch the Genin enter and walk down the hall a short ways before turning the corner to go up the stairs. As long as Ken was no more than two hundred meters away, he could easily tell the Genin apart from regular civilians and thus be able to focus immediately on the shinobi’s chakra signatures.

“Are you all set here, Ken?” Hisayo leaned against the wall, nearest the door that was barely cracked open; her eyes not being hindered or strained in the slightest as she watched the Genin continue to appear.

“Yeah, we picked the perfect room, sensei. With our position, I can sift through the Genin as they appear and also be able to sense them on the third floor since this room and the testing room are lined up.” Ken explained in a concentrated voice, having to multitask at that moment; conversing with his sensei, and scanning the Genin.

“Good...In a moment, after all the Genin have come through and made it to the testing room, I’ll put my nose to work and see if any of their left behind scents match up with the description given to me. After I finish that, tell me of anyone that caught your attention.”

Ken slowly nodded still holding his concentration over his task as he sat in front of the closed door. Hisayo let a small smile tug at her lips…her students had grown up so much since she had first met them, and she was proud to be their mentor. She remembered how nervous and at the same time how excited she had been to be given Genin to teach and look out for back then. It made her happy as well to know that they were and continued to be accepting of her; always looking to her for guidance without hesitation or fear present. They hadn’t been the slightest of fearful of her ever, and it showed by how much they trusted their lives to her when on missions and during training exercises that were dangerous.

She turned her attention back out through the small crack of the door, and her eyes lit up in a smile as well—Naruto had arrived just then with his team.

Ken let out a small chuckle, “Your chakra just tingled with joy.”

Hisayo’s eyes flickered to Ken and then back to see the young boy who was rounding the corner to go upstairs, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She calmly said.

Ken rolled his eyes as he gave a small grin, “Don’t you think that by now, you’d be used to me reading your emotions through your chakra, sensei? I know when you’re happy to see someone—that someone right now being Naruto. Why can’t you just accept that?” He chuckled again.

Hisayo took in a breath and then let it out in a defeated sigh, “Alright, you’ve got me. Just don’t go around exposing any current states I might be in, like you did with Naruto the other day.”

Ken’s concentration wavered for a moment in surprise, but he soon got everything back under control, “Who told you?”

“Naruto, of course.”

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