Chapter Special #3- Chunin Exams: Take One! (Pt 1)

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A/N: This is important to the story of BB—the title being a giveaway :P. I'm not sure how many parts this will be since it is a pretty important event in every Genin’s life. Hope I’m not overloading you on Chunin exams. I do have another chapter special that I have been working on that takes place during another Chunin exams event, but one thing at a time, no? ^_^


“Finally, the Chunin Exams are here.” Akira said.

“Yeah,” Ken also expressed his joy, “the month went by so slow it seemed.”

“Don’t get too over excited you two.” Hisayo warned, “I’ve told you how dangerous these exams are. People die in them, so you need to keep on your toes.”

“I’ll keep them on track, Hisayo-sensei.” Suzume smiled.

“We don’t need you watching out for us like toddlers, Suzume.” Akira gave a small glare.

“Yeah, isn’t it supposed to be the other way around anyway? You’re the girl on the team.” Ken smirked.

“Don’t be sexist!” Suzume flared, steam shooting out of her nostrils as she glared.

Hisayo’s gaze narrowed, “Listen up.” The three Genin froze and swallowed nervously.

When they heard that tone of voice from their sensei, she either meant business or she was mad; and they had to admit that it unnerved them most of the time. Hisayo being mad at them was not something they particularly were fond of.

“Gender has nothing to do with any of this. It’s been a month since I had first informed you of these exams and though you all have improved in that time, you are all still Genin—and rookies at that. You need one another. Without supporting each other—without the use of teamwork—you could all die. Do you understand?”

All three nodded with solemn expressions on their faces. They weren’t little kids anymore, and life wasn’t a game that they could start all over in if they messed up and were killed. The Chunin Exams were serious; with great consequences if they weren’t careful.


The young Genin stood to attention, “Yes, Sensei?”

“With your improved sensor abilities, your teammates will be relying on you the most to steer them away from unnecessary confrontations and danger…Akira,” the boy also stood to attention, “Your teammates will be relying on you for your strength and courage in battle. Out of all three, you are the strongest in combat ability, though that doesn’t mean you should exercise it unnecessarily. Be smart in your choice of actions and choose your fights wisely.”

“Yes, Hisayo-sensei. I’ll try not to be so brash.” He said.

“And Suzume,” Hisayo’s attention turned to her female student, “you have improved the most out of the three with your ability. I understand that you don’t particularly like what it is you can do, but don’t let those feelings overrule your drive to protect your teammates. If you do, then they could die—you all could. And you’d rather fight to avert that kind of situation, than to give in and give up, right?”    

Suzume nodded, gritting her teeth to keep from letting any tears form and shed, but her voice was still shaky, “Right, sensei. I won’t let them get hurt on my account.”

Hisayo let a small smile show as she brought her hand up to pat the little kunoichi on the head, causing all three Genin to blink in disbelief of their sensei’s unusual action, “Good.” She removed her hand and stepped back from her students, her smile now gone and her eyes taking on a stern glint yet again, “You’re the only rookie team participating this time for the exams, but don’t let that affect you. I wouldn’t have entered you all if I didn’t think you were capable enough to handle it. The exams will start in three days. That form I handed out shows the exact time and place to meet for the start of them.”

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