Chapter 1

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They had always told her that she shouldn‘t have been born. They always said that if it weren’t for her, that if her mother had only had Satoru, that she would still be alive.

 If it weren’t for that accursed blood—her blood.

They wouldn’t have to deal with her. They wouldn’t have to and their newer generation wouldn’t have to deal with her.

“How could this have happened so soon after the death of the previous?!” An astonished voice cried out.


“There’s no mistaking it. That white hair and those eyes.” Another more calm one spoke.


“Another demon born into our clan!” A third exclaimed fearfully.


“We must inform the elders and leader quickly!” The first voice stated before running out of the room.


She couldn’t help being born. She couldn’t help being born with this curse. She couldn’t help being born what she was. She just happened to be destined to this fate she guessed. No one could have known.

It just happened.

She didn’t understand why she had to be fated to this treatment, this resentment and hatred. They never had given her a chance to just be herself and see the kindness and gentleness that she could be capable of. Instead they feared her and lash out. She would not harm them though. She would never.

“Stay away from that demon child. She’s evil!” A fearful mother grabbed her child and hastily walked the opposite direction from a little girl with white hair and eyes the color of gold.


“Just ignore it. Now come before we attract its attention.” A young couple did the same as the mother from before.


“Get away from me demon I have nothing to give to you!” A man closed the door to his small shop.


“You’re not welcome here! Go before you’re beaten demon!” Another shop keeper hollered before he too slammed his shop close.


She was an outcast, a demon, a monster. She would never be accepted or truly treated like part of the clan. She would never be shown love or kindness of any kind. At least, that is what she had thought. It wasn’t until he took her in that she had found any kind of feelings of hope for possibly being accepted. To possibly be wanted and loved.

Before, she was dead inside and fearful of others. Any emotions were snuffed out because of the clan. Even after she had been taken in, it took a while before she truly showed any emotion or trust, however slight it might have been at the time. He had become her light in her time of darkness.

Her hope.

Her dream.

Her safety.

He had become everything to her despite the clan’s disapproval.

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