Chapter 15

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“Yes Kakashi what is it you needed?” The third asked while smoking his trusty pipe.

“I was hoping you would let me make my report separate from everyone else and if you could pass the word along to the others not to mention my name if they report while Hisayo-san is in the room?” Kakashi asked with all seriousness.

“Hmm? Why is that?” The Hokage shifted his pipe around to the other side of his mouth.

“I don’t think that it would be wise for Hisayo-san to know of my involvement. You see, I’m sort of trying to stay on good terms with her.”

“Good terms? You know as well as I do that it is not my job to keep your personal life separate from your business life, Kakashi. You must inform the others yourself. I will however accept your report separate from the rest. I want it filed on my desk before the others arrive. Am I clear?”

“Yes, thank you, Hokage-sama. I will return shortly.” Kakashi bowed and left the room.

He hoped he could find and inform all the others before they gathered to make their reports. It wouldn’t be long before they all would. Perhaps creating a few shadow clones was in order. Usually he wouldn’t do something such as this, but the situation called for it and he really didn’t have that much time to work with. It was strange, he never would have given this much effort to keep something secret before.

“Alright, here it goes. Shadow Clone Jutsu.” A handful of clones formed and quickly separated into different directions.

Kakashi turned to go back in the building to make his report, but not before whipping out his book.


Hisayo walked down the road to the Hokage’s mansion. She knew that the rest of her team would be there soon from the mission and decided to go straight there instead of to her and Akio’s apartment. The clothes brought to her had been near exact from what she wore before and were to her liking, so she didn’t see the need to go home and change. She did see to it, however, that she would take her time getting to the mansion.

Kakashi had disappeared in a poof of smoke before she had left the hospital, claiming that he had some business to take care of. Hisayo still was suspicious of him, but didn’t let it bother her. She had bigger issues to deal with and she was sure that the end results would not be good.

“Hisayo-san!” Akira yelled from the end of the road and waved.

He was standing in front of the Hokage Mansion with Ken, Suzume and two others who she did not know. It was obvious that they had just returned, seeing as they were covered in patches of dirt and looked a bit worn. 

“Hey, Hisayo-san, you’re okay! We were all worried.” Ken equally waved.

Hisayo stopped in front of the trio of Genin. “The mission was a success?”

“Everything went smoothly after the whole thing with the wolves.” Akira smirked proudly.

“For you three it did. I had to go through the rest of your mission without a single smoke. I need to stop off at the shop and get more.” Asuma complained with a sigh.

“You can do that after we make our report, Asuma.” Kurenai ordered with a small roll of her eyes.

All she had heard the whole rest of the mission and trip back, was how he was going to go to the nearest shop and buy the biggest pack he could get his hands on. Then he would light up and smoke two at a time just to make up for lost time.

 How it had annoyed her.

“Aw, come on Kurenai, just one packet?”

“Later, now come on.” Kurenai grabbed Asuma by the collar of his vest and dragged him to the front door.

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