Chapter 10

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Lexi's POV

It was just like any other Charms class, going through random charms that would be of some use to us in the future. Out of the blue, McGonagall poked her head in the classroom and looked in the direction of Harry and I.

"Professor Flitwick, may I please borrow Lexi and Harry for a moment?"

"Of course, Professor McGonagall," Flitwick replied in his eccentric voice.

The class grew quiet as Harry and I picked up our books and walked out of the classroom. McGonagall walked ahead of us in silence. I was dying to know why we were missing out on class, not that I really minded.

"Professor McGonagall, why were Harry and I pulled out of class?"

"Professor Umbridge has requested your presence in the Headmaster's office," She replied in a nonchalant tone.

"Oh..." I mumbled. I looked worriedly at Harry, who returned the look.

By the time we reached Dumbledore's office, I was shitting bricks. As we entered, stares directed towards us.

Dumbledore and Umbridge were there of course, but Umbridge was accompanied by people from the Ministry, including Fudge. If Umbridge had her way, Harry and I were screwed.

"Ah, Ms Black, Mr Potter, nice of you to join us," Umbridge said, an evil tone layering her voice.

"Unless you want Harry and I to start failing, I suggest you get to the point," I was purposefully being harsh towards Umbridge, as usual, but I didn't want to be too harsh around Ministry officials.

"Professor Dumbledore claims that he was the one who let you practice defensive spells in the Room of Requirement. Is this true?" My eyes widened a little as I realised Dumbledore was saving our asses.

I looked to Dumbledore who slowly nodded his head. He wanted me to go along with it. Umbridge noticed a stared scrutinisingly at me.

"Um...yes. Professor Dumbledore requested Harry and I to start giving students lessons on defensive spells,"

"Why were you two put in charge of teaching spells. You wouldn't know any more than any other student," a Ministry official piped up.

"Why is that of concern? Aren't we here to convict who started the secretive spell sessions?" I glared at the official, who backed away.

"Well, Albus. I'm afraid you'll have to come with me," Fudge said, walking towards Dumbledore.

"I'm afraid that can't happen, Cornelius," Dumbledore replied. He held his arm straight in the air as his Phoenix swooped in. Dumbledore's hands clasped the Phoenix and he and the Phoenix vanished with a fiery blast that knocked Minstry officials off their feet, including Umbridge and Fudge.

I was really tempted to walk up to Umbridge and kick her but I restrained myself. That wouldn't help anything. I'd probably only get expelled.

"Now that Albus has vanished, you will now be Headmaster of Hogwarts, Dolores," Fudge announced. Umbridge looked thrilled while I was feeling the need to punch the wall.

This just got better and better.

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