Cute times (and authors note)

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"Y/n are you free?" Niall called you on your phone out of the blue.

"I am, is everything okay?" You asked.

"Everything's great. I just want to spend time with my bestie girl. Movie night at mine tonight?"

You giggled a little, "hmmm I don't know, my schedule could have just changed. Let me check my diary," you teased.

Niall groaned on the other end of the phone, "Come on y/n pleaseeeeeee. I'm having withdrawal symptoms from you." He whined.

"Okay I'll be there in half an hour." You agreed.

"Great, see you then." He spoke.

*2 hours later*

"Are you telling me that the only reason you sat through transformers was because of Shia La Boeuf?!" Niall exclaimed.

You nodded your head grinning, "Of course! Did you see his face?" You gushed dreamily. Niall scoffed, "You're such a girl."

You raised your eyebrows, "Yeah. Thanks for that captain obvious," you winked.

Niall rolled his eyes playfully, "you shouldn't watch films just for the 'hot guys' you know."

"Why? Jealous?" You teased jokingly. A tint of red appeared on his cheeks before he shook his head, "Whatever." He muttered.

"Aww Niall are you mad at me?" You asked.

"Nah. Come to think of it. Megan Fox was hot in that film," he smirked.

Your face fell a little. "Whatever." You muttered.

"Aww what's up y/n? Jealous?" Niall cooed imitating you.

"Ha! Ha! Very funny," you said sarcastically.

"N'awww come here give me a cuddle," Niall spoke holding his hands out on the couch, motioning for you to some forward. At first you didn't move, but after a minute of him pouting, you scooted closer to him, he immediately brought you closer to him, encircling his arms around you as you laid your head on his chest.

"Don't worry y/n. Megan Fox may be hot. But you're beautiful," he said with his voice not even hinting sarcasm. You blushed and buried your face into his chest even more and slapped him playfully, "Shut up." Your voice was muffled but heard. His chest vibrated, and you could hear the soft chuckles leaving his mouth.

He kissed the top of your head leaving his lips to linger there sending chills down your spine. Niall and you were always like this. Even though you were friends the both of you liked each other and would flirt, but for some reason none of you admitted liking each other face to face.

You looked up at him still in his arms. Your eyes locked and a small smile appeared on both of your faces. Suddenly without realisation, Niall's face inched closer to yours, but you didn't move away. Before you knew it soft lips were gently pressed against yours. It only lasted a second, too quick for you to respond, but it was enough to send a thousand butterflies fluttering in your stomach.

"Oh shit y/n I'm so sorry," Niall quickly rambled after coming to his senses.

"Why are you sorry?" You questioned.

"I-I kissed you without asking your permission and you probably didn't want to and oh god," he groaned laying his head back on to the couch.

"Niall" you spoke.

"Yeah?" He whispered, afraid that you'd freak out at any moment and leave. "Look at me," you replied.

He lifted his head back up, you were still cuddled together so there wasn't much distance. "Kiss me." You whispered. His eyes widened with disbelief before a small boyish grin appeared on his face. Once again he closed the space in between you, feeling his lips mould with yours.

"I really really like you y/n" he mumbled against your lips.

"I really like you too," you replied capturing his lips again.


This is quite important guys

I'm so sorry but I'm going to stop updating these for a while. NOT FOREVER! I'm just going to stop for a month or maybe a little more depending on what's going on in my life.

I am so sorry. I need to sort a few things out and I've been quite stressed lately. I really hope you understand and again I apologise!

Like I said before it's NOT forever. Just a little while. I'll probably be back before you know it!

If you need to talk to me, then message me and I'll gladly reply :) I love talking to you all.

But for now bye guys!!! I'll be back soon, I love you! Xxxxxxxxxx

Niall Horan Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now