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Before you start reading i just want to say Eid Mubarak/ Happy Eid to everyone that celebrates it!! I hope you all have an amazing day wherever you are :)


You and Niall were both having a lazy day sitting on the couch not doing much. Niall was on his phone when you heard him curse under his breath; you looked over to him to see his face scrunched up in confusion

“What is it babe?” you asked. “Everyone’s saying that I’m actually a girl…..” he trailed off, you couldn’t help it, as soon as that sentence left his mouth you burst into a fit of giggles.

“It’s not funny y/n,” he pouted, “Look, people are editing pictures and adding long hair, putting skirts on me and boobs!” he said disgusted, you fell off of the couch laughing you couldn’t help it, this was hilarious as he tried to show you some of the edits the fans had made.

Niall narrowed his eyes towards you, you put your hands up in surrender “Fine…fine okay…I’m sorry Niall…” you said trying to compose yourself, you sat back on the couch next to him checking everything out.

@1dlovvvveeeee haha @niallofficial what do we call you now that your secrets out? ;)

“Nelly” you said. “What!?” Niall exclaimed going red, “In answer to that tweet,” you pointed with a straight face.

“Y/nnnnnn” Niall whined. You saw how distressed he was about this so stayed quiet. It was obviously just a joke made up by the fandom, Niall knows they always do funny things like this.

“You normally laugh your head off going through the tweets when the fandom do stuff like this Niall?” you questioned. “Yeah….but…that’s because it’s never about me, it’s about Harry or Liam, Louis and Zayn… and the fans… I thought we had this tight bond you know?” he tried to explain.

“What do you mean?” you asked.

“Like, they always say that I’m their update account and I love that. I’m basically the biggest fan of one direction” he bragged making you laugh, “So what I’m trying to say is, their my ‘bros’….we’re supposed to be making fun out of the other guys…. not me” he finished pouting again.

“Aww Nialler what are we gonna do with you?” you cooed running your hand through his hair.

“Oh no there’s an article about it too,” Niall groaned. “Read it to me,” Niall said handing you his phone

What’s that we hear….Niall Horan…isn’t who he says he is? Wow! According to the stars beloved fans they’ve come up with the theory that Niall is in fact a girl (ridiculous I know)

Don’t worry guys we know Niall isn’t actually girl, in fact if anything we have to say he’s the manliest out of One Direction. This is just a prank played by their fans. It just goes to show how close the fans are with the boys, they’re just like family making fun out of each other but supporting each other all the same. They are five very lucky boys that’s for sure.

You finished reading.

“Wow” Niall said. “I never thought of it like that, I guess family’s do play pranks and stuff on each….” He trailed off. “Exactly.” You replied.

“Time for me to tweet,” Niall exclaimed.

@Niallofficial Ha ha ha very funny guys….can’t believe you found out my secret ;)

“See, now it looks like I’m playing along,” Niall grinned. “But….i’m going to have to change this…” he added cheekily. You furrowed your eyebrows “Niall….what do you mean?” you asked sceptically.

“You’ll see,” he winked picking up his phone and tweeting again.

@Niallofficial Btw @Harry_Styles keep the pants I lent you after you had that little ‘accident’

You couldn’t help but laugh at that tweet “Niall Horan you cheeky guy,” you said. “I know right, looks like there’s going to be more rumours now” he replied pecking you on the lips. Just then Niall’s phone started ringing with the caller ID showing Harry, making both of you burst out laughing before a very long phone call with an angry Harry. 

"I DID WHAT IN YOUR PANTS..............................." Yup a very long conversation.....


Hope you like it.

I have also posted the first part to my story  'breaking down the bad boy' so please check it out and i hope you like it :)

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