The Voice

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Today was the day, audition day. You were shaking, mixed emotions running through you. “You’ll be fine, don’t worry” your boyfriend Niall reassured you placing a hand on your shoulder, just before you were about to go on to the stage, “They’re going to love you” he carried on. You nodded your head unable to speak because you knew you’d start rambling about how the judges might not like you etc. “Hey just think my platform was the X Factor and yours will be The Voice. You can do this I promise” he kissed you on the lips calming your nerves.   “It’s time” one of the backstage workers told you, you quickly hugged the rest of the boys who were also there to support you, all of them wishing you luck and Niall gave you a kiss for good luck even though he said you didn’t need it and then went towards the stage.

Once you saw the back of the 3 chairs all of your nerves had gone, this was your time, and you could actually do this. The spotlight was on you everyone else was silent as they waited to hear your voice. The music started to play, the song you chose was Wasting All of These Tears by Cassadee Pope

I tried to find you at the bottom of a bottle” You heard the crowd begin to scream, cheering you on. This gave you an extra boost of confidence as you sang to your heart’s content.

and you left me standing on a corner crying” You heard the screams get even louder but were too focussed on the song to realise 2 chairs had already been turned around, it was Blake and Adam Levine! Finally as you hit the last note you heard the crowd get louder and all the chairs were facing you.

“….bathroom floor”  The judges were all stood up clapping and cheering as were the crowd. From the side of you, you heard a faint “That’s my girl!!! Wooooooo!!” turning your head a little you caught Niall’s eye who sent you a wink with a big thumbs up, making you blush.

“Wow wow wow wow wow WOW” Shakira said flashing her big smile towards you, “Sweetheart you are incredible”

“What’s your name honey?” Blake asked, “Y/N” you replied stuttering a little as you just realised what you had done.

“Y/N a very pretty name for a very pretty girl who has an incredible voice” Adam winked towards you, making you blush even more if that was possible. “Stop flirting the girl Adam” Shakira said towards him making some people whistle and others to laugh.

Shakira carried on “You sang that song so well, not only did you sing that song with so much feeling and passion, but also with your heart and I just, I’re going to get me all emotional because this is the exact reason I came on the show, it was to find people like you.” She finished making a tear roll down your cheek and the audience go crazy.

Adam then started to talk “You are one very incredible girl, you’ve got it all, you’re voice when you sing sends chills down my spine, it really does and I think with my help you could get really far girl, you could”

“No no no” Blake said cutting Adam off, “Y/N you’ve got soul, vocally you are amazing, I promise you I will spend all of my time helping to get you to win this competition, because if anyone can do it, I know in my heart that you can. I have all of my faith in you, and I promise I’ll help you every step of the way.” This made you want to scream of happiness; Adam was the one you wanted to choose from the beginning, he’s the one you wanted to impress because you knew he was such a good mentor.

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