One of the other boys makes you feel insecure

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The boys and their girlfriends including you were having a little get together at Zayn's house. You were all in the lounge watching TV, you were cuddling up to Niall as he was drawing soothing circles on your arm.

"Hey Niall isn't that your ex?" Louis asked pointing towards an advert that was on TV, you looked to see a very pretty girl on the screen, she was one of those models. You gave a small smile knowing that there was nothing to worry about, Niall told you about his past and you told him about yours, both of you were happier than you had ever been. Niall nodded his head and then kissed you on the top of your head.

"Oh yeah I remember her, she was a funny one, oh and that other model too! Whoa bro I've just've dated a lot of pretty models" Louis chuckled. This made you tense a little, you were no model, you weren't fat but you weren't skinny either, you were just you. Niall let out a nervous chuckle and he could feel you tense. It wasn't ideal talking about Niall's ex girlfriends and how much more prettier they were than you.

"I mean obviously y/n isn't a model. I'm surprised that y......"

"Louis!" Eleanor warned cutting him off and smacking him over the head.
"Ouch! What was that for? I was just talking about his ex girl.....oh" he stopped. His eyes widening in realisation at how stupid he had been. He suddenly realised what he had been saying wasn't nice, talking about all of the models that Niall had dated.

"Oh y/n I'm......" Louis started but you cut him off shaking your head " it's...fine i erm have to go to the bathroom...excuse me" you stood up out of Niall's hold and walked towards the bathroom, tears pricking your eyes.

"LOUIS you bloody twat!" You heard Niall's angry voice. "How could you say all that?" You heard Liam's voice chime in. You sniffled and walked into the bathroom not wanting to hear anymore.

You looked into the mirror at your appearance. You didn't think you were the prettiest girl, but knowing that Niall had dated all of those pretty models did make you feel a little insecure.

Louis's words burned in your mind

I mean obviously y/n isn't a model

That hurt. But you could never be mad at Louis, you know that's not how he meant it. Pulling you out of your thoughts was a gentle knock on the door "Y/n? Princess please open the door" his voice was calm and soothing. You wiped the remaining tears away from your eyes and opened the door immediately being wrapped in Niall's arms.

"Oh baby I'm so sorry about Louis. Please don't take anything he said to heart, he's just so stupid that he says things without thinking sometimes." He rambled kissing you on the forehead.

"You're so beautiful, I've never been happier with anyone but you. You're the only one for me" He said rubbing his thumb over your cheek, making you blush a little.

"You always know how to make me feel better Niall" you smiled. He cupped your cheek bringing you in for a passionate kiss, both of you putting all of your emotions into it.

Once you had finished "c'mon lets go back in" Niall said. You nodded you head as he intertwined your fingers walking into the room, as soon as Niall opened the door you were attacked by Louis into a hug making you chuckle a little

"Y/n y/n I'm so so so so so so so so sorry I swear I didn't mean any of that. It just came out wrong. Your the best girlfriend Niall has ever had and I know you're here for the long run. Please forgive me. I shouldn't have said any of tha...."

"Louis!" You cut him off. "I can't....I can't breathe" you said in between breaths making everyone chuckle. He immediately let go "oh sorry y/n. Do you forgive me?" He asked putting on the puppy dog eyes. You rolled your eyes a little before putting on a grin "of course i do"

He brought you in again for a quick hug. "Good!! Niall's really scary when he's angry! Damn boy" Louis said towards a now smirking Niall who placed his arms around your shoulders. You couldn't help but smile at how protective Niall could get.

"N'awww is Louis scared of the big bad Irish boy" Harry cooed making everyone burst into laughter. Louis's face turned red "N-no of course not! Have you seen these guns" Louis said flexing his muscles making you laugh even harder.

After everyone's laughter had subsided Louis and Niall had one of their 'bro hugs' and you all sat back down on the couches ready to watch a movie Zayn had picked.

Once the lights were dimmed Niall kissed the side of your head whispering "I love you princess"

"I love you too."

Niall Horan Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now