Shark Attack

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This was requested. I'm sorry beforehand if it isn't good or anything, i've never been surfing and don't live near a beach so barely go. But i really hope you like it :)


"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT I'M NOT FORCING YOU TO GO I'M JUST ASKING" You shouted towards Niall, you were beyond angry at him at this point and he probably felt the same towards you. You only asked Niall if he wanted to go to the beach to surf with you and he just blew it out of proportion.

"WELL IT SOUNDED LIKE AN ORDER TO ME Y/N, seriously you're so bloody annoying" He muttered the last part crossing his arms over his chest staring at the wall with his face full of anger.

"Do you know what I'm just going to go because arguing isn't helping any of us," You said slamming the door behind you as you walked out.

"FINE GO" Were the muffled words you could hear before you walked away towards your car to go to the beach.

*At the beach*

The sounds of the ocean waves always calmed you down. You closed your eyes listening to the serene sound taking all of your troubles away for a split second.

You got on your board and started paddling out to sea, this always helped with anger and right now you had a lot of it. You managed to go out really far in the ocean, which was the best place, it was rare that there were a lot of people there except for the top surfers, and the water was always more level.

There was a big wave coming up so you jumped onto your board and gained a bit of balance. You were used to doing this and rode that wave like an absolute pro. You smiled at your accomplishment and jumped back in the water when you felt something kick your leg. That's weird, it's probably some fish, they tend to do that a lot. Nothing had touched you after that so you thought that they had probably gone, until you looked on the other side of your board and you saw the thing you dreaded the most.

A fin popping out of the water, your heart rate picked up, all you could do was think you're going to die, this was it, Niall was the last thought on your mind before the shark circled around the board and found it's way closer to you. You learnt that if you stayed still the shark wouldn't do anything so that's what you tried your best to do. But fear got the best of you and you let out an ear piercing scream, for sure everyone on the beach had heard you and by now people were starting to look in your direction, the lifeguard was ready to jump in the water when his eyes laid on the sight next to you.

"SHARK" He yelled making the whole beach turn to chaos, people were getting out of the water and you had no idea what to do. Your hands were trembling, your eyes were watering and the shark was coming closer and closer towards you, you could see it's beady eyes and shark teeth, that's when it all went wrong. Just as the shark was centimetres away from you, you ducked your head underwater and tried to swim away....tried....tried wasn't good enough.

You felt the skin of the shark touch your arm, it's shark claw like teeth getting closer to your arm until a sharp pain shot through you like a thousand bullet wounds. It bit onto your arm, the pain was unbearable and you couldn't take it anymore, you were about to let go and just have the shark do whatever it wanted to do to you until you felt a pair of arms carry you and started saying things like

"Miss can you hear me?"

"She's losing a lot of blood"

"Call an ambulance"

"I'm the lifeguard here everyone move away, give her some space, miss the paramedics are on their way just hold on okay,"

The only thing you could say in your breathless state was " boyfr........" You managed to say before darkness overtook you and you laid there unconscious on the beach.

*3 Hours later at the hospital*

"Is she going to be okay? Please tell me she will, please I can't live without her" You heard faintly the sound of Niall, he sounded frantic and upset. You wanted to open your eyes but you couldn't, it felt like something was clamping them shut.

"Mr Horan, she lost a lot of blood, I can't say for sure how okay she is going to be, but I promise you we'll do everything we can to make her better, just stay patient and talk to her, they say people who are unconscious can still hear especially the people they love the most. Stay with her, just remember she's through the worst of it now." He said reassuringly. You heard a little sniffle come from Niall which broke your heart, you just wanted to hug him and kiss him to let him know you're okay.

You felt a warm grasp on your hand.

"Princess.....I....i'm so sorry" He said in between tears. "This is all my fault, if I had just gone to the beach with you then this might not have happened, or I could have saved you. I promised I would protect you all the time and this is what happened, I let you down, I'm so sorry. I'm never going to be able to forgive myself. We had a stupid fight that wasn't even worth having, I just had a bad day at work and me being the stupid person I am took it out on the one person I love the most, I'm so so sorry baby. I love you more than words can describe just please....please...wake up for me....please y/n....please" He spoke his words getting quieter and quieter before turning into a full on sob.

You just kept thinking to yourself 'c'mon body you can do this, open your eyes, do it for Niall come on, don't let me down.' And after a few minutes of struggling a blinding light entered you. The room was bright white and you had to squint your eyes a few times to see properly. You looked to your right and there was Niall his head down on the side of your bed his body shaking from crying and one of his hands were in yours still rubbing soothing circles.

You moved that hand a little which made Niall immediately shoot up, his eyes were bloodshot but when they laid sight on you, they widened before he cupped your cheeks

"Y/n...y/n you're awake...oh my god you're awake.." He frantically spoke kissing your forehead.

He sat back down and put his head in his hands

"This is all my fault I'm so sorry. You've lost your arm." You scrunched your eyes...lost your arm....what was he talking about, sure enough you looked to your other arm to find that half of it wasn't even there anymore. Your eyes widened at the thought. Oh my....

You couldn't even feel anything, maybe the anaesthetic was really strong. You didn't know whether to cry or not, but realised that you could have lost your life out there today, that shark could have killed you. So if the shark not killing you meant you had to lose an arm then so be it. Life is precious.

"Niall look at me" You said sternly. He looked up "This in no way shape or form is your fault okay? If it's anyone's then it's mine. No one could have predicted what was out there and what could have happened...."

"But...." He cut you off. "No buts, I've realised life is a precious thing and I'm lucky to even be alive right now....and to have you sitting here next to me.....means so much, I heard what you said and I'm sorry about our fight, you're right it was stupid..." You said in between sobs. Niall got up to give you a soft hug and kissed you softly on the lips.

"Don't cry princess I'm here." He whispered.

After an hour or two of just talking Niall persuaded the doctor to let him stay overnight and although the doctor wasn't happy at first he warmed up to the idea after Niall promised his daughters tickets to their concert. The cheeky guy.

"You know I'm never letting you out of my sight again right princess" Niall said matter of factly. "Oh trust me....i know" you trailed off. When Niall said something like that he meant it. "Can I at least go to the store by myself?" You asked. "Nope" He said immediately with a smile playing on his lips.

"You're going nowhere," He winked making you giggle. "I love you so much Y/n."

"I love you too."

Niall Horan Imagines/PreferencesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin