"What's our okay?"

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I watched The Fault In Our Stars in the cinemas a couple of weeks ago. Definitely an amazing film if you haven't seen it go watch it!! But this is inspired from there. Xx


"Awww come here princess" Niall cooed pulling you into a hug. "It was just so sad" you said when a tear escaped your eye. "I know I know" Niall muttered into your hair. You had both just come out of the cinemas after watching The Fault In Our Stars, you couldn't help the few tears that came out.

"It even had me shedding a few tears" Niall chuckled a little kissing the top of your head then looking at you. "Look at it this way. He lived a care free life and even when it got tough he didn't give up. And he got to spend his last few months with the girl he loved" Niall smiled kissing you.

You nodded "Yeah you're right. I love you"

"I love you too." He replied.

"So can we go get something to eat now, I'm staaaaaaarved?" Niall asked dramatically. "Yeah let's go" you laughed. "Let's go to that Italian place" he pointed. It was next door to the cinemas "let's go." you replied. He took your hand as you both walked towards the restaurant.

"Hi table for two?" The waiter asked. "Yeah" Niall responded. "Right this way" the waiter smiled leading you to your table.

You both ordered your food and drinks

"Y/n I was wondering...since in the film 'okay' is there 'always'. What's our 'okay'?" He asked looking genuinely curious.

"Hmmm I don't really know...." You replied thinking about it. You both seemed to be deep in thought

Suddenly his eyes brightened "how about 'sure'" he said grinning like he had just cracked the words hardest puzzle.

"Sure?" You asked. "Yeah sure. Like I'm sure you're the girl for me. I'm sure that no matter what we'll always be together. And....." He lifted your hand up off of the table, giving it a gentle kiss "I'm sure I love you" he finished with a cheesy smile on his face. He quickly leaned over pecking you on the lips.

"I love you too and I like our word" you smiled.

"Sure" you replied confidently.

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