He sees a video of a fan being horrible to you

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"That was definitely the best milkshake I've ever had" your friend stated after walking out of the cafe. You were hanging out with your best friend today, it's been ages since you had some bestie time.

"I agree, we need to go back there soon" you replied.

You two were walking down the street towards a few shops when you were stopped by three girls who stood in your way.

"Excuse me" you smiled politely trying to get past.

"Oh look 'it' speaks" one of the girls said, she had a scowl on her face which was caked with make up like the other two

"I'm sorry?"

"I'm sorry" one of the other girls mimicked you, making you and your friend look extremely confused.

"Can we just get past!?" You said starting to get annoyed. "Stay away from Niall first bitch"

That's when it all kicked in, this was one of your many haters who despised the idea of you and Niall being together.

"I don't think that's any of your business" you said.

One of the girls snorted then the girl who looked like the 'queen bee' spoke up "You're an ugly nobody. Niall doesn't like you! He's just using you until he gets something better to play with. Probably someone like me." She winked, making your skin crawl "So back off!" She finished "c'mon girls" she said walking off in the complete opposite direction, with them giggling.

You were too stunned to say anything. Normally you would have said something back, but you couldn't, you just stood there, no longer being in the mood for shopping you asked your friend if she could take you home.

"You sure you're gonna be okay y/n?" She asked as she pulled up. "Yeah I'll be fine."
"You should tell Niall" she said
You shook your head "No. He has too much going on at the moment, I don't want him to have to worry about me too."
Your friend gave you as sad smile, you said your goodbyes and walked into the flat.

You couldn't get that feeling out of your stomach, the feeling of hurt and upset. You want to cry, but you won't, you're better than that girl and she only said that stuff to get to you.

"Y/nnnnnnnnnnn" Niall greeted you walking towards the door engulfing you in a hug and helping with your bags. You chuckled "hey Niall."

Once he put the bags in your room, you both sat on the couch snuggling up to each other as you watched a bit of TV. Well Niall was watching, you just couldn't concentrate, that girls words burned in your mind.

"Babe?" Niall questioned looking towards you, he stopped rubbing those calming circles on your arm and looked at you with his eyes full of concern. "What's wrong, is everything okay?" He asked frantically.

".....erm....actually I feel a bit of a headache coming on, I think I'm just gonna have some medicine and try get an early night." You lied. Niall looked like he didn't believe you but let it go, he kissed your forehead and before you knew it he lifted you off of the couch making you squeal "ahhh Niall what are you doing?" You said in between laughs.

"Well I can't let my girl go up by herself if she has a headache, I need to tuck you in." He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world, you could see a smirk appearing on his face as he carried you up bridal style.

He laid you down leaving a lingering kiss on your forehead "you sure you're going to be okay?" He asked. "Yeah, don't worry, go watch the end of the match" you replied. "You seriously are the best girlfriend in the entire world" he smiled kissing your cheek and then exited the room.

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