"What time did you go to bed at? You shouldn't be this exhausted for your O.W.L's." I asked him.

"I couldn't sleep until about four in the morning. I had to keep you at bay." He told me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You thrash around and talk in your sleep. I don't know how your roommates sleep through it. It terrifies me." He told me, "you only calm down when I stroke your hair and talk back to you."

I looked up at him. I would have apologized, but I didn't. He could have moved if I was bothering him. He got himself in this mess. We reached the Great Hall and found two that most of the Hall was empty. Draco and I took two free desks next to each other. I expected the mud-blood, Granger, to be here already, and I was right. She, as well as Potter and the Weasel were sitting one in front of the other, Granger being in front of the lot of them. I got up from my desk and walked over to the group. I stopped at Potter's desk, but my attention was on Weasley, who sat right behind him.

"Hey Weasel!" I whispered over to the red haired boy.

I smirked as he glared up at me.

"Prepared for the text? I heard it will be difficult. Only people who pay the closest attention and read more than they should will pass. I read the entire book Umbridge gave us. I don't recall you even opening the book once." I said to him.

Of course I was lying. I had no idea what the test was going to be like and there was no way I was even touching those musty old books, let alone read the entire thing.

"Shove off, Snape. We don't need your opinion." Potter said to me.

I scoffed, placing my hand over my heart.

"My, my! Did something happen to the Weasel? Did he lose the ability to speak? Because I sure didn't ask for your opinion!" I said back.

"Give it a rest, will you Raven?" Granger asked, turning around and looking at me.

"I wasn't talking to you either, Mud-blood! Turn around!" I snapped , turning to look at her.

"Or what?" She asked me, crossing her arms.

It was like the world suddenly went in slow motion as the boy's expressions turned from unimpressed and annoyed to absolutely horrified as they turned to look at Granger. In slow motion, I pulled my wand out and pointed it at her. I had the spell wanted to use on her, but I didn't get a chance to say it before a flash of green sparked from the end of my wand and Granger flew from her chair, as if she was punched in the stomach. Normal time came back to me when I felt a hand on my wrist. The person pulled me away from the group. I could feel the boiling blood coursing through my veins. I could only hear my heartbeat and a ringing in my ears. If looks could kill, she would be much past dead. She was testing me, and I passed. I had noticed, from my peripheral vision, that Draco was still at his desk, watching me. It had just dawned on me that I was being dragged out of the Hall. I looked up at who was dragging me. I knew the back of the man's head too well. From the shoulder length black hair to the black robes, it could only be my father. We reached the large front foyer of the school. I began to try to tear my hand out of his, but his grip only tightened, which actually hurt a little.

"Loosen your grip, you lunatic!" I yelled at him.

He stopped walking and turned to face me. He towered over me. I knew this was his intimidation mechanism against me, but he couldn't intimidate me. He could try all he wanted to, but he was my father. His intimidation was all I knew when he was home. He didn't scare me.

"Don't you dare speak to me that way, do you hear me?" He asked through clenched teeth.

His finger from his free hand pointed straight in my face. I slapped the hand away.

I Am Not Nothingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن