Aisha and Elsword exchanged glances with each other, their eyes buzzing with worry.

"Let's get you some water first." Aisha was the first to speak up.


I drowned the cup of water in a matter of seconds. Elsword, Aisha, and Camilla watched my every move in silence. I wanted to scream at them to stop treating me like a newly discovered species.

I placed the glass cup down beside me and gestured Aisha and Elsword to start explaining. The two friends seemed to tense in response.

"I don't even know where to start." Elsword began, his eyes wandering around the room. "We started freaking out when you didn't get up. W-we were sure you died." He paused to wipe the corner of his eye.

" I-I wanted to fight that demon for what it did, but before I could attack something pushed the demon onto its back." He finished.

"That's when we saw you fight back." Aisha took over, with hands clasped together.

I raised my brow," wait, I fought back?" I mindlessly let out a chuckle. "H-how is that possible? I know I passed out on the roof."

Aisha shrugged," there was something odd though." She continued, this time in a much lower tone. She darted her eyes around the room frantically, like a deer searching for possible hunters, before continuing. "You attacked the demon without your spear. I-it was like you were using claws to throw the demon back."

"It wasn't the way you fought that was scary; in fact, you were freakin' cool. What threw us off was your appearance, you were kinda scary." Elsword scratched the back of his head. "N-no offence." He added hastily.

"What do you mean by scary?" I asked hesitantly.

"Y-you had snow-white hair," Aisha shifted her legs uncomfortably. "Your eyes were blood red, and you had strange red markings on your face."

"You also grew nine white tails. No offence but you looked and fought like a demon." Elsword added hastily. He opened his mouth to say more but snapped it shut once he realized he had said enough.

I dropped my gaze down to my closed hands, both fists were trembling at the new information.

Nine tails, red eyes; white hair? Are these guys trying to trick me; or am I just loopy on medicine? This all sounded like something you'd hear from an over imaginative child.

"N-now I know you think we lost a few marbles," Aisha piped in. "But I promise we're telling the truth."

"T-that can't be true." I felt my eyes welling up with tears. "Y-you're saying I-I'm a demon?"

"N-no, they didn't say that." Camilla clamped her hand around my ice cold fist, her warmth enveloping it like a blanket.

"It's not that hard to figure out, Camilla." I pulled my hand away, instantly missing the warmth of her touch. "I-I know what they're trying to say."

"But with these powers you can be stronger." Elsword added with a tight smile. "Demons are really strong to begin with."

"Demons are evil." I corrected. "Demons kill everyone and everything. In the end they leave you with nothing but pain."

I tried to hold back the tears but I couldn't fight them any longer. I buried my face into my hands cried. I shook, consequently shooting the pain down my arm, with every gasping breath I forced in.

No one went out of their way to say something to comfort me; but who could blame them? There's nothing they could say that would make me feel better—I should be used to this by now.

Elsword: Yin Yang (Under Major Revision)Where stories live. Discover now