Part 27

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~Andy's POV~
When I found Rye he was devastated. He was crying and really drunk. When this Nick guy left with Y/n everything got even worse then it already was. He was on his knees and didn't stand up I had to call the boys to help me.

~A week later~
~Andy's POV~
Rye has not left his room for the whole week. I'm really worried. He sometimes ate some food that I brought him but that was more an exception. I don't know that to do. At first I thought it would go away but I'm not that sure anymore.
I walk up to his room and knock.
A: Rye can I come in? I have food.
I hear soft sobs but I get no answer so I just enter his room. I haven't seen him in a week because I have left the food on the floor in front of his room to give him some privacy but one week without my best friend is to much for me.
The moment I see him I put the food on the floor and run to him and give him a hug. I really don't know who needed that hug more. Me or him? When I pull out of the hug I look into his blood red and puffy eyes. He looks like hasn't slept in the last week at all.
A: Rye?
He nods.
A: You have to come out of your room.
R: No. I'm sorry Andy but no.
A: Rye you have to. You have used your excuse for not being active on social media way to long. The Roadies are questioning this whole situation. You should either fight for Y/n or forget her and move on. This Isn't healthy for you okey? I need my best friend back.
Rye gives me a hug.
R: Fight! I want to fight! I love Y/n! More than anything in this world and if Elvis is telling the truth she is with a bad person.
A: I like that you want to fight but to fight means you have to have strength. And that's the only thing you don't have. Eat, get some sleep and we will look what we can do then okey?
He nods and I give him the plate with food. I stay in his room and pay him company.

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