Part 11

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~One Month later~
~Rye's POV~
It's been a month since I last saw Y/n. I have thought about her every day. I'm sitting in the living room with the boys and thinking about her again. I can't get her out of my head.
Victoria is a pain in the ass and I don't even think that she loves me. I think she is mostly using me either for clout since the Roadies know about us or my money. She always wants me to buy her something or she asks me for money and never gives it back. And all the times we went out for dinner I paid.
V: Rye-pie where are you?
I hear her asking. I want to break up with her so bad but I can't let her destroy the career of the boys.
R: In the living room!
V: Okey listen me and Tiffany are going shopping, can I have some money?
R: Yeah sure.
I take out my wallet and want to give her some money but she takes my wallet out of my hands and takes all the money that I have in cash.
V: Thanks Baby. Bye
She says gives me a kiss and leaves. After Victoria left the boys say:
J: Did she just take all your money?
B: She has you under control mate!
S: Damn
A: Rye are you okey? Is everything okey with you and Victoria? Can I talk to you Rye? privately!
Andy pulls me out of the room and into his room. We sit on his bed and he starts with.
A: Rye what's going on with you?
R: What do you mean?
A: Since you have gone home last month you seem a little off. And the kiss...there was no passion! Did something happen?
I hesitate to tell him but I give in because it's Andy and I tell him everything.
R: Okey so Sammie and Shaun have this incredible new babysitter her name is Y/n. She is the same age as me and I spend a lot of time with her on that day and we may have kissed....
I get cut of by Andy.
A: What! You cheated on Victoria! Does she know?
R: Listen! She walked in on us cuddling. I actually totally forgot about Victoria when I was with Y/n. Everything was so much better with her. I payed attention to the smallest things for example the smell of her Parfum or her smile. It's the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. I start smiling when I see it or even think about it.
A: But why are you even with Victoria if you are that in love with Y/n?
R: I'm not in love with her.
A: Yes you are!
R: No but Whatever. I'm still with Victoria because she said if I break up with her she would tell the Roadies that I cheated on her. She would destroy my career, the Bands career and Y/n would get a lot of hate even though she didn't even know I have a girlfriend. And I don't want to put anybody through this.
A: Are you happy?
R: Why? Does that matter?
A: Yes it matters, you have been with a girl for a month that you don't even love anymore. Yes it matters! You are in love with an other girl. It matters to me if you are happy!
R: I appreciate that but I will not break up with her.
A: Think about it. The Roadies don't want you to be unhappy and neither do we!
R: Okey thanks mate.
A: No problem mate.
I give Andy a hug and we go back to the others but they don't ask any questions so we just talk about the new cover.

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