Chapter Twenty

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~Normal P.O.V~

Its already Saturday it means, that you've been absent for a week, you sigh at that idea, yesterday you've caught in a slight fever but after you sleep it was gone, you've just realize it after it was gone, you sigh again. 'how long will I hide here?' you thought. "Alright I'll just do my chores" you said as you make your self busy.

You heard the door bell rang "who might it be?" as you headed to the window to see who is it.

"Ah its Miya-san" you said as you go out and open the gate for her.

"Miya-san." You greeted her.

"Oh Kazumi, how are you?" she ask as she walk in the house.

"Miya-san, I'm fine, thank you!" You said as you headed to the kitchen. "Miya-san what do you like, juice, tea or coffee?" you added.

"Oh coffee please!" she answered.

"right away!" you said.

"Hai! Hai!" she sang as you giggle.

"So how's work? is everything fine?" you ask as you put her coffee on the table.

"Thanks, oh everything is fine, I just want to visit you." she said. "how's school?"

"Yes, Miya-san everything's fine" you lied you don't want her to worry too much, she's already busy with work so you don't want to be burden.

"Oh alright! so can we go out today, some shopping, you know girls work?" she said and you giggle at her childish act.

"Ahm.. Miya-san gomen but I can't, I have something to do." you lied again to her.

"Oh is that so? too bad, next time?" she said

"Oh alright next time." you nodded at her Idea.

"Okay, thanks for the time, I'll be going now bye!" she said as you escort her outside.

You waved at her until she's gone in your sight as you sigh. "that was close." as you wipe your sweat.

~Time Skips~

"Hmm too bad, Kazu is not here." Miya said as she scan all dresses.

"Oh isn't Miya-san." Momoi said.

"Oh hello dear, I assume you're one of  Kazu's friend neh?" she ask.

"Hai! Momoi Satsuki and--" she paused looking at her side to see Aomine's not with her. "geez!" she pouted.

"Oh, can I ask you a question?" she ask

"Yup, what is it Miya-san?" Momoi ask too.

"well it's about Kazumi, Is she doing fine in school?" she ask worriedly as she continue scanning.

"Oh how will I put this?, you see Miya-san, Kazu-chan's been absent for a week, she only shown for once but after that she's been absent." she said.

"what, but when I ask her she said she's fine." Miya said.

"and when she attended once, I think she's not with her self, she never talked to Akashi-kun, so I thought she has a problem with him." Momoi continue.

" Oh is that so?" she said and Momoi nodded. "don't worry I think she'll be present on Monday, she always do that if she's having problem, she never talks about it because she's always thinking that she's a burden to anyone." she added

"Oh so that's why she barely talk to people" Momoi said.

"Yeah that's why." she said. "I know she'll change so please take good care of her." she bowed.

♛Everything Has Changed ♚(Kuroko no Basket: Akashi Seijuro Fanfic) (Completed)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora