Chapter Five

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~Kazumi P.O.V~

'Oka-san, Otou-san!' I ran to my parents sitting in the couch and hug them.

'Oh dear do you know what day is today?' my mother Mazuya ask.

'it's July 13 oka-san, why?' I tilted my head in confusion.

'Oh little Kazumi forgot? well it's secret, we'll not tell you' my father Kaizuki said.

'Hehe... just kidding., of course i remember it's my birthday.' I chuckled.

'Oh you, come here' my mother hugged me. 'We love you Kazumi.' she added

 'I love you too.' I said and hugged her back


'Oka-san, Otou-san' I said worrying for my parents. 'where are you now? please don't leave me here alone, I don't want to celebrate my 4th birthday alone.' i thought and suddenly the phone rings again.

'Moshi, Moshi!' I said 

'Hello Tatsunagi-san?' the voice said.

'hai what can I do for You?' I ask him

'hmm.. you see Mazuya and Kaizuki Tatsunagi.....' he's been cut off.

'What happened to my mother and father please tell me what happened?!?' i desperately ask him it makes me nervous and sweaty.

'ah ma'am Please calm down.. your mother and father caught in an accident.' he said

my eyes widens as my vision starts to blur. 'What?!?!!' I manage to say.

'please go now to St. Anthony's I'll be waiting.' he said

'o-oh o-okay' sobbing and ended the call.


I ran to the corridors of  the hospital not caring if all the people stares at you, and for a four years old with a cat ears and tail showing off. I stop running when I saw a nurse near the ER.

'excuse me, where are my parents?' I ask her as my vision starts to blur again

'I suppose you're their daughter, well they are still inside.' she said pointing at the ER. 'are you alone where are your other relatives.' she ask.

'a-h yes, ano my onii-chan is not here he's in Japan with my grandparents, what will happen to my parents? will they be fine?' I ask as the tears fall

'Sssshhhh!! don't worry everything will be fine so calm down, ok? any minute the doctor will be out of the room.' she stroked my back to calm me a bit. as she said the doctor went out of the room and walk towards us.

'doc are my parent alright? are they fine? please tell me doc.' I cling to the arm of the doctor.

the doctor shook his head and said 'I'm sorry but they didn't make it, I'm very sorry for your loss.

I fell on the ground and cried. the nurse only ran to my side and stroked my back. 'No it can't be, t-they said they w-will be h-here in-in my birthday.' I cried louder. 'Doc *hiccup* c-can *hiccup* I see them?' I said in between my sobs

'Yes you can see them.' the doctor said and gesture to the nurse to come with him.

Now you're alone in the room with your parents. 'Oka-san, Otou-san please wake up, please don't leave me alone..' I shook their cold bodies trying to wake up them

'Oka-san, Otou-san please?!?' I shouted as I cry harder.


"Oka-san, Otou-san" I shouted and feel something wet in my eyes. "Yume?" I said to my self as I rub my eyes and glance in the clock. "It's 6 o'clock"

"Nyan?" I heard Kuro purr with a slight sad tone

"Ohayo Kuro" I geeted her and patted her head.

"Nyan!!' she stretch out and rub her cheeks on my feet.

"Hehehe! ok ok I'm moving." I walk out and do my daily routine every morning.

After I do my daily routine, I went to the kitchen to prepare the food of Kuro and place it in the floor.

"Kuro, I'll just put your food on the floor." I called out "Oh and I'll be going for a walk in the park and I don't know what time I'll be back." I added and headed to the main door to leave.

~Time Skips~Park~

~Normal P.O.V~

"Where is the court here?" You ask your self while gripping the ball in your arms as you look for the court.

you walk and walk until you found an empty court. you ran to that court as you thought it empty, you saw a light blue-haired guy playing. 'Kuroko?' you thought it but he notice you easily. 

"Kazumi?" He said.

"Ohayo Kuroko-kun" You said as you smile lightly to the boy.

"what are you doing here alone?" he ask as he look at the ball in your arms.

"a-ah ano I came here for a walk but I decided to play a little instead." you replied

"Well, you're here why don't we play one-on-one?" He said

"Ah ano---" you've been cut off

"Tetsu, Thank goodness you're here, Tetsu are you talking to yourself? ." Aomine said

"No Aomine-kun, I'm not crazy like you. I'm talking to Kazumi" he said 

"Kazumi?" Aomine ask

"ano excuse me" you said

"Gaaaaahhh! When did you get here?" he said while clutching his shirt. "hey! stop popping out of now where, you're just like Tetsu." he added.

"I'm here the whole time." you said.

"O-oh!" he sweatdrop forgetting Kuroko.

"So Kazumi are you playing with me?" Kuroko ask you again.

"gaaah! I said stop popping out of no where." Aomine said clutching his shirt again. "Play?" as he ask.

"A-ah a-alright why don't we play two-on-one?" You said.

"Alright prepare to lose, Kazumi" Aomine declared. " Come on Tetsu" he add.

"I won't back down" you said.

After the game.....

"what Kazumi why you always win?" he ask you because you win again. "It's not fair." He pouted

"hehehe! I don't know too." You said

"Kazumi, where did you learn to play basketball?" Kuroko ask

 you suddenly remembered your dream, you shook your head to forget it.

"Are you ok Kazumi? Kuroko ask.

"Ah yeah, I don't know Kuroko-kun" you said.

You notice it's getting dark and you mentally cursed 'Holy cow of Ice Creams!!'

"Ano guys I need to go home now, well these is bye now, see you on monday." you wave off and ran off.

"Oh Okay See you tomorrow" Kuroko mumbles

"You saying Tetsu?" Aomine ask.

"Ah nothing Aomine-kun let's go now." he said ' We'll definitely see you, tomorrow Kazumi.' he thought it and smiles a bit.


♛Everything Has Changed ♚(Kuroko no Basket: Akashi Seijuro Fanfic) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now